Tag Archives: CFA

Thousands rally at CSU -Sacramento today

  Thousands in Sacramento Rally Today

Over 2,000 students walked out of their classes at Sacramento State  University today April 13,  in protest against the  state budget cuts and the rising tuition in the California State University  System – part of the largest university system in the world.  Student protesters expect that already passed budget cuts will lead to larger classes, fewer classes, eliminated programs,  and an increased time to graduate.

History Professor Joe Palermo spoke to the crowd gathered in the Sac State Quad arguing,

“What we’ve been witnessing in recent years is nothing short of the wholesale auctioning off, often to the lowest bidder of the public commons right under the feet of the majority of California’s citizens who never signed on to this long-term project of destruction…

He argued that California’s economy has little chance of recovering from the Great Recession if it  remains mired in a politically generated fiscal crisis that prevents us from investing in our future. Unwise public policy today has a tendency to come back and haunt us later. The decision to de-fund higher education amidst prolonged high unemployment and underemployment and record home foreclosures will go down in the state’s history as one of the stupidest public policy choices ever taken.”

A series of student organizers from Students for Quality Education spoke of the costs of cuts to their lives.  Amanda Moores described the irresponsibility of the University Administration in producing a 66% increase in Executive Salaries paid for in part by   a 224 % increase in student fees.

After a loud  rally on the Quad, several hundred students marched across campus.  At this hour over 300 students, faculty and staff are occupying the offices of the University President.

There were rallies and marches on at least 10 of the CSU campuses today, ranging from 50 students to several hundred.

Sacramento State is the only one we know of where students have occupied the administration building.

At 8;30 PM. some 30 students continue to hold the Administration building and they plan to spend the night.

We have offered to relay their messages ( broadcast) through our blog.  We will see what happens.

We are waiting for reports to come in from the other CSU campuses.

Dogs and Cats Living Together…It’s the Alliance for the CSU

At CSU San Bernardino we had over 1000 faculty, staff, and students gather in a standing room only meeting to discuss the budget cuts for the CSU that are on the table.  The CFA campus president (who has been very active in CFA for 25 years or so) said that he’d never seen the CFA and CSU work together on something as they are working now.  (You’ll recall that faculty nearly struck a year ago over egregiously poor salaries and other problems.)

They’ve set up a website to help stand up for the CSU:


I encourage all of you to speak up for the CSU and to encourage others to do the same.

It won’t be easy.  Just yesterday I received a newsletter from my Senator (Margett) which read like an internal memo to GOP loyalists  written by Grover Norquist.  Really strong stuff; I was pretty shocked that it was coming out in a general newsletter.  I’m getting similar stuff from my Assemblyman.

But we have to win this fight.  I grew up in Illinois in a family that wasn’t rich.  When I was a child, I wished I lived in California.  It had such amazing public high schools, and after that, I would have a chance to go to some of the greatest public universities  virtually free of cost.  It was an educational beacon on a hill to people outside the state.  No longer.  We can’t let it get any worse.