Tag Archives: Political Roundup

Coachella Valley Weekly Democratic Political Roundup

Political Roundup

Sunday – March 16, 2008

Democrats recommend Julie Bornstein & Greg Pettis

The California Democratic Party Region 19 Pre-Endorsement Conference on March 13th in Moreno Valley counted primary endorsement votes cast by delegates from county Democratic clubs. Region 19 includes Assembly districts 64, 65, 66 and 80; State Senate district 37; and Congressional districts 44 and 45. According to Riverside County Democratic Central Committee member Richard Oberhaus, delegates from the Coachella Valley area (including permissible absentee votes) favored Julie Bornstein as the Democratic Primary Candidate in the 45th Congressional District and Greg Pettis as the Democratic Primary Candidate in the 80th Assembly District. The conference also endorsed Arthur Bravo Guerrero as the Democratic Primary Candidate in the 37th State Senate District. Since each candidate received more than 70% of the delegate votes cast, all three will be on the Endorsement Consent Calendar of the California Democratic Party State Convention in San Jose on March 28-30, 2008.  

Democratic assembly candidate out of the race

Announced Democratic assembly candidate Gilbert Ramirez, Jr., failed to submit sufficient eligible signatures in order to qualify for the 80th Assembly District primary election. The filing cut-off date has now passed. The four remaining Democrats in the running are Rick Gonzales, Richard Gutierrez, Manuel Perez and Greg Pettis.

RCDCC elevates one of their own

Members of the Riverside County Democratic Central Committee(RCDCC) have filled an interim vacancy by elevating delegate alternate Richard Oberhaus to join them as a member of their Inner Sanctum. He’s also manager of the Greg Pettis for Assembly campaign.

New sheriff riding herd on Mydesert.com flame throwers

There’s a new sheriff in town on the MyDesert.com website. This preemie offspring of The Desert Sun newspaper, in common with similar websites, attracts a few whose communication output efforts resemble hot flames. Their less than gentle style can be unpleasant and a few nasty comments have led more civilized types to discontinue participation. System administrator Matt Wolfe recently posted admonishments to those who  need to practice restraint. It’s no longer acceptable to engage in name calling (including “jerks” and “bimbos”), or to suggest that someone leave the system and go elsewhere. The new word of the day from the guy with the six-shooters is “just stay polite to one another”. This will be good news to followers of political stories. Politics habitually attracts the most fervent of adherents including a few who sometimes engage in rather heated exchanges when commenting about story – or in responses to each other. Looks like hot-blooded political aficionados had better practice buttoning the old lip if they hope to avoid the new sheriff.

Log Cabin Republicans: some uninterested in marriage

Log Cabin Republicans, busily surveying their membership, have reported the following opinion data. On the  issue of identity,

“58% say they are Republican first, then gay or lesbian and 46% say that Freedom to Marry is not an issue to them or say it’s a waste of time for Log Cabin”.

Guess few have received marriage proposals. Maybe they’ll find a bit of inspiration from their upcoming April 10-13, 2008 national convention in San Diego. They’ve picked a real winner to deliver their keynote address, for it’s none other than that infamous, unconfirmed, temporary, former U.N. Ambassador and recess appointee: John Bolton (remember him? – bet his fee for this appearance won’t break the bank!). Those convention seats must be filling fast so hurry if you plan to catch this one.

Julie Bornstein for Congress campaign kick-off

A campaign kick-off for 45th Congressional District Democratic Candidate Julie Bornstein is set for 10:45 a.m. in the Palm Desert Library Community Room on March 19th. There’ll be a 2:00 p.m. repeat at the Riverside Regional Medical Center in Moreno Valley. It’s also been reported that Bornstein has received the endorsements of both California U.S. Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.

Assemblyman Merv Dymally here for Greg Pettis

Special guest Assemblyman Merv Dymally headlines the Friday March 21st fundraiser for 80th Assembly District Democratic Candidate Greg Pettis. Hosts Brian Buchan and Jaime Rook will be joined by P.S. Councilman Rick Hutcheson, Ed Torres, Doug Wylie and others who pony up $100, $500, $1,000 or more (or less) to attend this two-hour event. For information or reservations phone 760-841-3189 or email [email protected].

Coachella Valley Summit – A party for Manuel Perez

A Coachella Valley Summit is the theme of a March 29th fundraiser for 80th Assembly District Democratic Candidate Manuel Perez. The event, taking place at the Gonzalez Ranch in Coachella, features “Texano Music, Food, Drinks and Fun”. Phone Carlos Gonzalez at 760-899-6163 for information. The campaign recently received endorsements from California Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero and celebrated labor leader and civil rights champion Dolores Huerta.

Democrats of the Desert 2008 Annual Awards Dinner

Political pundits Stephanie Miller and Jim Ward will entertain during Democrats of the Desert 2008 Annual Awards Dinner on April 5th at the Rancho Los Palmas Resort. This politically significant “Cocktail Attire” event kicks off at 5:30 p.m. followed by 6:30 p.m. dinners for $100 or $1,000 for tables of 10. Phone 760-328-9425 for information.

Desert Stonewall Democrats mixer in Desert Hot Springs

The first in a series of Desert Stonewall Democrats mixers is planned for the home of Karl Baker, Jr., in Desert Hot Springs at 5:30 p.m. on April 12th. RSVP by email to [email protected] or phone 760-320-5787.

Democrats to elect delegates to national convention

Democrats in the 45th Congressional District are invited to caucuses for the election of delegates to the national convention in Denver. Any registered Democrat may attend the April 13th gathering and participate in a caucus for either of the two presidential candidates. Caucuses will follow 1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. registrations. The Barack Obama caucus will meet at the Desert Unity Center in Palm Springs to elect one male delegate. The Hillary Clinton caucus will meet in Cabazon to elect 1 man and 2 women as delegates.

Pass Democratic Club Fourth Annual Unity Dinner

Special guest speaker Secretary of State Debra Bowen will help Pass Democratic Club celebrate their Fourth Annual Unity Dinner on April 26th in the Grand Ballroom of Cabazon’s Morongo Resort & Casino. Dinners are $65, $550 for tables of 10, and $40 for students. RSVP phone by March 26th to 951-769-6636 or 951-849-4986.

Democratic Presidential Primary delegate counts

CNN Election Center reports the following delegate count totals from the ongoing Democratic Presidential primaries. Barack Obama leads with 1,404 pledged plus 207 superdelegates for a total of 1,611. Hillary Clinton trails with 1,243 pledged plus 264 superdelegates, for a total of 1,480. A candidate needs 2,025 delegate votes to win the party’s nomination. According to CNN, “There are currently 4,048 total delegates to the Democratic National Convention, including 3,253 pledged delegates and 795 superdelegates.” The next primary election will be in Pennsylvania on April 22nd.


03/17/08 – St. Patrick’s Day/John F. Kennedy observance and celebration in front of Palm Springs City Hall.

03/19/08 – 45th Congressional District candidate Julie Bornstein campaign kickoff, Palm Desert Library.

03/21/08 – 80th Assembly District candidate Greg Pettis fundraiser, Brian Buchan & Jamie Rook residence.

03/25/08 – Palm Springs Democratic Club monthly meeting, home of Co-Chair Sandy Eldridge

03/28/08 – California Democratic Party State Convention in San Jose (through 03/30/2008)

03/29/08 – 80th Assembly District candidate Manuel Perez Coachella Valley Summit party/fundraiser

04/05/08 – Democrats of the Desert 2008 Annual Awards Dinner at Rancho Las Palmas Resort.

04/12/08 – Desert Stonewall Democrats monthly meeting at Desert Pride Center in Palm Springs.

04/12/08 – Desert Stonewall Democrats  mixer in Desert Hot Springs, home of Karl Baker.

04/13/08 – Democratic party caucus to select Obama & Clinton delegates to the Denver convention.

04/19/08 – Democrats of the Desert monthly meeting in the Cathedral City Senior Center.

04/26/08 – Pass Democratic Club 4th Annual Unity Dinner, Morongo Resort & Casino Grand Ballroom

06/03/08 – California Primary Election Day.

08/25/08 – 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colo (through 08/28/2008)

11/04/08 – 2008 General Election for President,Vice President and other political offices.

01/20/09 – President George W. Bush scheduled to become former President George W. Bush


Democratic Women of the Desert – www.democraticwomenofthedesert.org

Democrats in Sun City – none

Democrats of the Desert – www.desertdemocrats.org

Desert Hot Springs Democratic Club – none

Desert Stonewall Democrats – www.desert-stonewall.org

Palm Desert Greens Democratic Club – none

Palm Springs Democratic Club – www.palmspringsdemocraticclub.com

Pass Democratic Club (Banning) – www.passdems.org

Riverside County Democratic Central Committee – www.dccriverside.org

The California Democratic Party – www.cadem.org

Calitics Coachella Valley website – www.calitics.com/tag.do?tag=Coachella+Valley

Julie Bornstein for Congress website – www.juliebornstein.com

Paul Clay for Congress website – www.paulclay.org

David Hunsicker for Congress website – www.hunsickerforcongress.com

Arthur Bravo Guerrero for 37th State Senate District – www.guerreroforsenate.com

Rick Gonzales for 80th Assembly District – www.friendsofrick.com

Richard Gutierrez for 80th Assembly District – www.drgutierrezforassembly80.com

Manuel Perez for 80th Assembly District – www.manuelforassembly.com

Greg Pettis for 80th Assembly District – www.gregpettis.com


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