Tag Archives: BlogPAC

BlogPac and other Meta Talk

First of all, I’m very happy to announce that Calitics has been selected as one of the first recipients of the BlogPac grants to statewide blogs.  Chris Bowers has more at MyDD here. BlogPac will pay for our hosting for the next year, but more than that, we are just honored to be associated with a group like BlogPac.  BlogPac is an absolutely fantastic organization, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about this.  BlogPac is one of the few organizations that is working to build the progressive infrastructure, and it is a cause that is particularly important now.  If you want to give money to BlogPac, and/or Act Blue, think about giving and/or linking to the Progressive Infrastructure ActBlue page.

Now, we also need to talk about some Rules for the blog.  It used to be that when it was just me, well, it was just me talking to myself.  Well, now that people actually pay attention and get involved in the discussion, it appears that we need to more fully defined the rules.  In the last few days and weeks we have had a couple instances of commenters personally attacking other users, their choice of educational backgrounds, or otherwise just being rude.  What we really want here is to keep the tone civil.  I will work my darndest to make sure that I am as pleasant as possible, I’d appreciate it if you did the same.

Toward these ends, we have added a new item to the About Blox right below the logo: “The Rules”.  There you will find a document, mostly ripped off (with permission, of course) from the Blue Mass Group, that fully describes the rules of this blog.  If you have any questions feel free to post them in this thread, the rules thread, or email them to myself or jsw.

Let’s work to make this a community that we can be proud of.  Thank you!

CA-50 Postmortem Poll

Chris Bowers of MyDD.com who now runs BlogPAC, is working on a survey in conjunction with the Courage Campaign on why Busby lost the CA-50 race.  It promises to be a useful tool for future elections.  However, they are trying to raise $20,000 to fund the survey.  So, if you feel it’s worthwhile, you might want to consider throwing them a few bucks on their donation page. Also, you might be interested in Chris’ first post  announcing this survey.

Finally, for a laugh, check out Wonkette’s post about Bilbray’s kids.  At least Jenna Bush didn’t post pictures of herself violating the law by consuming alchohol before she turned 21.  Briana Bilbray…not so clever.