Tag Archives: Linda Harris-Forster

Meet Linda Harris-Forster — AD-52

As the founder of the CALIFORNIA LIST helping women get elected is my mission and my privilege. I’m always on the look out for that special candidate who believes in her community, sees what needs to be done, and sets her mind to getting things done in the California legislature.  About a year ago, I received a call from one of my members inviting me to meet Linda Harris-Forster.  Linda is running for State Assembly in District 52 that includes the cities of Compton and Paramount.  I knew that this was a tough race as there are 4 Democratic women vying for this seat, but I also knew District 52 covered one of the toughest areas of Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is the only major city that has yet to renovate its public housing projects.  Crime, drugs and gangs are on the forefront and this is a District in need of dedicated leadership that can address those difficult problems facing the people in this District.  From the moment I meet her, I knew Linda Harris-Forster was the perfect candidate.

Linda grew up in District 52 in Watts and she is one candidate who can truly boast a grassroots campaign. Her experiences as a young woman have bestowed her with empathy for the struggles of the residents living in her District. Linda possesses a compassion and drive born of personal connection to her community. Linda is the daughter of renowned community activist “Sweet” Alice Harris. She and four of her sisters worked hand in hand to help their mother found the Parents of Watts Working with Youth and Adults Multi-Purpose Community Crisis Center in the early eighties. After graduating college, Linda served as the Director for the Diane Feinstein Home for Young Mothers located in Watts.  This was a residential facility for pregnant young adults who were homeless.

Initially when CALIFORNIA LIST looked at her race, she seemed like the underdog. There were rumors of backroom deals and favors being shuffled under the table. However, at the moment her campaign is the best organized and she is consistently raising more money that all the other candidates.

Linda is living proof that a grassroots campaign is viable.  No one knows this better than Linda. “I was at an event and a man came up to me and said, your mom bought me a new pair of shoes.  I’m going to help you win!”  Her candidacy is fueled by the spirit of those helped by her family and that support has proved to be potent.

CALIFORNIA LIST is proud to include Linda Harris-Forster as one of our endorsed candidates for the June 3rd California primary.  I urge you to visit the CALIFORNIA LIST website and please donate to her campaign or one of the other candidates highlighted on our candidate page.  A win for Linda is a win for Assembly District 52.

Bettina Duval is the founder of the California List, a political fundraising network that helps elect Democratic women to all branches of California state government.