Tag Archives: Oragnizing

Candidate Throws Himself Under a Bus

Not really, but it did make you look, didn’t it?  

Please, wait, just stay for a little bit and read about my husband’s campaign?  I know you are busy and I know there are a lot bigger fish to fry, but I’m hoping you will hear me out, please?

You see, Gary needs your help.  In order to raise money you need to raise money.  Make sense?

Follow me…

Gary and I met with the Democratic Party of Orange County and we also got a chance to meet with a wonderful grassroots organizer.  Well, he’s actually a full time student who is an intern at the DPOC and we want to hire him to help us with our campaign.

Gary is running as the “Sacrificial lamb” in this contest but we also both promised that we would do whatever we could to forward the Democratic cause and issues in our so very red County.  So, for me, personally, I think one of the best things we could do would be to hire a student, who wants to work in campaigns and also forward the Democratic Party in our very red County.

Does this make sense?  The best way for him to get experience is to actually help run a campaign, but right now, we don’t have enough to pay for him.  We do desperately need help because I’ve promised that I would only do as much as I could without losing my job or neglecting my child!  It’s quite an undertaking and we are fighting in quite a large district.  Take a look.

This area covers over 500,000 voters, yes, that’s more than any of the congressional districts in California.  It’s 100,000 more than the largest Congressional District in our area, CA-48 which is just over 400,000 registered voters.  Yes, we really do need help!

So yes, this is a plea for money.  And you are just the tip as they say, I’ve made phone calls to our families and friends and we need to get access to donor lists.  If you want to know something about Gary, here is his ‘About Gary’ page on his website.

And here is our “priorities” information on the website.


Transparency and Responsibility in Government

Transparency and responsibility are the first priorities. Every resident should have access to how their taxes are spent in the State of California. It should also be easy to understand and to know who exactly was responsible for parts of the budget and who put forth earmark spending. Fiscal responsibility is imperative at all times, the good and the bad. Why doesn’t the State currently have a surplus from when our economy was booming? Important revenues were cut and spending was expanded without any regard for unforeseen future economic circumstances. Would the average household not prepare for hard times by saving when times are good? Should we not expect the same common sense approach in our Government by demanding our legislature treat our money like theirs?


Education is the largest part of our State’s budget, as it should be. It is what allows California to lead the way in technology, keep business thriving and maintain our high quality of life. Education is a lifetime process from K-12 to our State’s public Colleges and Universities. Parents should be able to expect a quality public education for their children and for themselves, learning is a lifetime pursuit.

More money per student does not mean better teaching but funds for the classroom, teacher pay and school improvements are important for a quality public education. Bureaucracy and endless paperwork takes time away from the classroom and we have to not only fully fund our schools but make it possible for teachers to spend more time doing what they are there to do, teach!


Our Environment is one of our most important assets and resources which shouldn’t be taken for granted. Many are arguing about whether Global Warming is happening and if it is man made, it’s not relevant since our dependence of foreign oil has put our Country at risk. By working on alternatives to many of the resources we rely upon that are not renewable or sustainable we can lead the way as a State and show how greening our jobs and our communities can be profitable and improve our quality of life. The State should be investing in new technologies and rewarding companies that transition their businesses to greener solutions.

One failure of our current Governor was to veto the bi-partisan bill AB 1147 which would have reclassified industrial hemp as a safe crop and not as a “drug”. The current laws allow the importation of hemp to be sold here and manufactured into products but does not allow it to be grown. Hemp is a highly sustainable plant that could be used for paper, food products and beauty care products. It makes no sense to block such innovations because of arcane drug laws.

The economy is a very important to our quality of life in Orange County and depends upon the above priorities in order to thrive. Without sustainable resources and a supply of well educated and trained workers, businesses are free to go elsewhere to find what we cannot provide as a County and a State. This does not mean that business should not pay its fair share in taxes. Most businesses use our resources at a much greater rate than an individual taxpayer and they also rely on our infrastructure, court systems and Government. It is important that the business/community relationship does not come at the cost of our quality of life.

Health Care

Health care insurance is another very important issue that needs to be addressed by our State. There are just some things that should not be profit driven and when lives don’t come before the bottom line Health Insurance is not working as it should. There is no need for “Universal Health Care” what we need is Universal Health Insurance. By getting rid of red tape and letting Doctors decide what is best for their patients we can insure that every Californian can afford health care. The burden of this benefit should not fall on businesses since there are so many different kinds of employers. If we can take the burden of cost from our business we can encourage them to stay in California where they can thrive as can their employees knowing they will have coverage no matter where they work.

All of these vital priorities directly affect our quality of life and we should not have to compromise education, the environment, the economy and our wellbeing in order to find a balance between work and family and what we want for our children and grandchildren. The State Government should make it easier to live in Orange County and it’s the job of your Senate Representative to be sure that your interests as a resident in South Orange County are a priority to them. Even if they do not have all the solutions they should be willing to work towards balanced solutions to difficult problems that will not get better with time and legislative gridlock.

So, I ask that you give a little bit to help us raise the money to hire a local organizer, so he can help us raise more money, put up a good fight and let this guy learn how to run a campaign.  I’ve met him, he’s worth it and I seriously don’t want another campaign to snap him up.

I believe this is why we support Obama, it’s not just about the campaign, but about organizing, registering Democrats and getting more people involved in the process.

Thanks for reading if you got this far.  We will probably be running against Mimi Walters, check out her hit piece against the other Republican running against her in the Primary.  Ouch.  Seriously, it scares me that Gary has put himself in the shark infested waters of politics.