Tag Archives: Ray Lutz

Candidate Lutz announces hunger strike until Hunter agrees to debate

Ray Lutz for Congress 2010


Media Contact: Brennan Purtzer, Media Director

619-447-3246 / [email protected]


Candidate Lutz announces hunger strike until Hunter agrees to debate

Series of eight debates previously announced canceled until Hunter comes out of hiding

San Diego County, Calif. (August 11, 2010) –

“Representative Hunter either has no respect for the voters of his district, or else is so terrified of engaging in an honest debate on the issues that he refuses to face his challengers,” said Ray Lutz, the Democratic candidate challenging Rep. Duncan D. Hunter for California’s 52nd congressional seat.

In two separate, hand-delivered letters, the Lutz campaign requested a series of eight debates, taking place in each community throughout the 52nd district. Delivery of the second letter was recorded on video, and was greeted with malice, verbal abuse and expulsion of the camera from the Hunter’s office. Libertarian candidate Michael Benoit agreed to the series of debates without condition.

For the time being, all debates have been canceled.

“Until Hunter steps up to the plate, I’ll be stepping away from the dinner plate,” Lutz said. “Starting at sundown this Thursday, August 12, I will refuse to eat until he agrees to debate. I hope my sacrifice will make him realize the community expects him to take their issues seriously.

“Hunter obviously has no respect for the democratic process,” Lutz said. “But, to be fair, his votes prove he has no respect for seniors, the unemployed, small business owners, tribal rape victims or anyone who has been stomped on by our healthcare system.”

Jim Bates, former Congressman, County Supervisor, and San Diego City Council Member said, “Ray is a fighter. He’s proving his dedication right now, like he proved it his fight against Blackwater and in working to keep local government honest. Ray’s got my support.”

Lutz worked to stop Blackwater in Potrero, Otay Mesa, and Southwestern College; to stop the Sunrise Powerlink, and to encourage citizens to expose waste, fraud and abuse by our governmental bodies with his “Citizens’ Oversight Projects” (COPs) Program.

The “Hungry for Accountability in Congress – It starts with Debate” hunger strike will be formally kicked off at the grand opening of the Promenade Park in El Cajon, on Friday, August 13, adjacent to the Lutz for Congress 2010 campaign headquarters. Lutz will have fasted for 24 hours at that point.

For the duration of the strike, during many daytime hours, Lutz and sympathizers will sit in an isolation booth outside his office along the Promenade Park in El Cajon. Supporters are encouraged to sign up to take a few pounds off and engage in at least one day of hunger strike in support of Lutz’s attempt to force sanity back into our democratic process.

Lutz will be blogging, twittering, and YouTube-ing during the strike to update supporters nationwide. Petitions are available at the hunger strike isolation booth and on-line for supporters regarding the debates, to Stop the Powerlink by throwing out the CPUC decision due to illegal lobbyist activity, and to reopen investigations into Duncan L. Hunter’s connection to the Randy “Duke” Cunningham corruption scandal.

For more information or to donate to Ray Lutz for Congress, visit:


For media inquiries, contact Brennan Purtzer, media coordinator, at 619.447.3246

Jerry Sanders gets the Block Blackwater Message

Full disclosure: I work for the Courage Campaign

Local leaders gathered today outside the office of Mayor Jerry Sanders to present him with more than 2,500 signatures to the letter from San Diego Democratic Party Chair Jess Durfee calling for an investigation into Blackwater’s permit process.  There was a somewhat unexpected air of celebration to the event as it was announced yesterday that Mayor Sanders is calling for the city’s Chief Executive Officer to conduct a full review of the Blackwater permit process (of course now we’ll see what comes of it).

The stage was shared by Jess Durfee (who noted he knows a few things about vocational schools courtesy of a Master’s degree in vocational education), Courage Campaign’s Rick Jacobs, Humberto Peraza- district Chief of Staff for Rep. Filner, Francine Busby and Ray Lutz from Citizens’ Oversight Projects.

All the parties involved have been instrumental in the rapid and effective response to this new Blackwater situation.  Remember it’s been barely two weeks since the news originally broke of this new facility, yet here everyone was gathered to mark and celebrate a significant people-powered success story.

Today was a great opportunity to cement in no uncertain terms the coalition to Block Blackwater which has formed rapidly and forced action from the Mayor.  And we’re just getting warmed up.  There have been recent revelations that Blackwater is looking to expand operations at current facilities and open a new training facility in Idaho.  Why? Because they see the writing on the wall.  They know that Iraq isn’t going to last much longer, partly because they’ve behaved so criminally and partly because the war is such a debacle.  They know that their survival depends on diversifying and establishing new roles in a post-Bush/Iraq system.  It’s why they’re looking for a few good hundred million in new investment capital.  It’s because there’s no natural place for them to exist once they can’t get anymore handouts from the Bush Administration and their cronies.

Today was a victory. Tomorrow we’ll likely need another. But we’re developing the methods that win.