Chris Reed, as in “America’s Finest Blog” Chris Reed, is leading the right wing shill campaign against Karen Bass. We were both on a conference call with Bass yesterday, and Reed wasted no time going after pre-school kids as his suggestion for budget cuts followed by an attempt at a gotcha on taxes. For the life of me I don’t understand why he is coddled, he’s nothing but a right wing shill and Sacramento press types could learn a lot from the national movement to no longer legitimize Fox News and other partisan propaganda outlets. You’ll be shocked, simply shocked to see Chris Reed’s write-up:
I think Bass’ personal story is admirable and she seems smart and good-natured. But I have a bad feeling about her. With Nunez and Perata, I never really got the feeling that they were dyed-in-the-wool hard-left liberals who were eager to expand government whatever the cost. Instead, I often got the feeling that they posed as ideologues of the left to please their powerful union and trial lawyer allies and because they could never be elected to run the Assembly or Senate unless they were perceived as ideologues of the left.
I think with Bass it’s not a posture at all. She just might be an unreconstructed 1960s-style ideologue of the left, someone who is absolutely unworried about how government actions hurt the economy and someone who has zero sympathy for business — in other words, someone whose politics are more like former Senate President John Burton’s than Nunez’s or Perata’s.
Which suggests we won’t see an Arnold-orchestrated grand deal in which Dems agree to constitutional spending controls in return for GOP approval of some tax hikes. Instead, Bass wants the whole enchilada — tax hikes, no restraint on spending, and new rules allowing the Legislature to hike taxes and approve budgets on simple majority votes.
Quite a honeymoon for the first African-American female Speaker in America.