Tag Archives: rubber stamp

CA-26: Exposing David Dreier As Bush’s Rubber Stamp

Today, I am excited to announce that the Courage Campaign has officially launched our campaign to expose David Dreier (who represents CA’s 26th district) for what he really is: one of George W. Bush’s most reliable rubber stamps in congress. Check out our new ad below and please rate it up, spread the word and contribute to get it on the air in the district HERE.

More on Courage’s Dreier Bush Rubber Stamp campaign over the flip…

While Dreier’s reputation in the district (which runs from Pasadena through the San Gabriel Valley all the way east to Rancho Cucamonga) is that of a “moderate” “independent” voice in congress, the reality is that David Dreier is one of George Bush’s greatest obstructionist allies, having voted for everything from the war in Iraq to Dick Cheney’s energy bill as well as against raising the minimum wage, against expanding education benefits for veterans, against extending unemployment benefits for those hardest hit by the economy and against the recent anti-gas price gouging bill. This guy’s unbelievable. But yet so many in his district still think of Dreier as a sort of above the fray moderate and as someone who truly represents them.

Sorry, Congressman, the honeymoon’s over.

In addition to our ad (which we hope will be the first of several,) we’ve launched a website over at — where else — BushRubberStamp.com where, among other things, you will find a partial, but still quite damning catalog of some of Dreier’s worst votes.

So, again, please watch the ad, spread it around and contribute to get it up on the air in the district HERE — anything you can do to help us expose David Dreier’s Bush rubber stamp record.