Tag Archives: Mormon Church Proposition 8

Say No To The Mormon Church

This is our time and this is our chance to actually make a difference with the messages we promote to influence voters about Proposition 8 on the November ballot.

For some voters using a positive message works with them.  With other voters, a strong negative message might have a bigger impact. To create your own unique signs you can go to Cafe Press for free to create your one site where signs can be sold one at a time.

Link to the site we created: No On Proposition 8 Signs and T-Shirts.

This is an effort to provide people concerned about the campaign a chance for a strong factual message to influence voters.

SALT LAKE CITY – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints asked it’s California members to join the effort to revoke the existing right for Gay marriages in California and put in place in the California Constitution a permanent ban for equal legal and protective rights for Gay persons in California.

A letter sent to every Mormon Bishop signed by church president Thomas S. Monson and his two top counselors, called on Mormons to donate “means and time” to the ballot measure. A note on the letter dated June 20, 2008  said to each Bishop to read the letter during church services on June 29, 2008. The letter has been published on several Web sites.

Church spokesman Scott Trotter said that the letter was authentic. He declined further comment, saying the letter explains the church’s reasons for getting involved according to FoxNews.com.

Read the letter The letter , read in Mormon Church’s on June 29, 2008, can be found at:

Sf Chronicle Link

Official No On Proposition 8 Site

Donation Page

No On Prop 8 – T Shirt Site

The Lavender Liberal : LATEST SWAG : Beat Back the California Homophobes! : Vote No On Hate/H8

The Lavender Liberal : LATEST SWAG : Beat Back the California Homophobes! : Let Not Man Put Asunder…

The Lavender Liberal : LATEST SWAG : Beat Back the California Homophobes! : Protect Marriage!

Glowbug’s Garage : No on 8

Vote No Prop 8 – Ca Bear Flag Themes

No on 8: Love Does Not Hate Themes

No on 8 Main Page at Cafe Press

No On Proposition 8 Signs and T-Shirts.

This process is really a lot about bringing the little d for democracy back into political campaigns. If you can buy a sign for less than $20 and it changes 5 votes that would be money well spent.

Cross Posted at dKos.

PS: I had never even heard of this company a week ago, learned about what it can do in setting up a site for the signs I thought would have the biggest potential impact.