Tag Archives: google ads

How to Stop “Yes on 8” Banner Ads on your Blog

The anti-gay bigots at “Yes on 8” (California’s initiative to eliminate marriage rights) have spent a ton of money on Google ads — and are targeting blogs and computers based out of California.  Progressive blogs who abhor Prop 8 have found “Yes on 8” ads pop up on their front page, because they have Google banner ads.  This has led many websites who use Google Ad Sense to get grief from their readers for supporting a homophobic agenda … even though they knew nothing about promoting “Yes on 8” ads.

Fortunately, there’s a way for blogs who use Google Ad Sense to filter out “Yes on 8.”  Here’s how …

(1) Login to your AdSense account.

(2) Click on ‘AdSense Setup’ tab.

(3) Click on ‘Competitive Ad Filter’ sub-tab.

(4) Enter url in this form: ‘www.protectmarriage.com’ in the box provided under ‘AdSense for Content Filters’

(5) Click on ‘Save Changes’

It may take a few hours for AdSense to start blocking the ads, but it works.

The “Yes on 8” campaign has spent a ton of money to get out their message, and I’m afraid it’s working.  Don’t let your website or blog become an unwillingly complicit in this effort.