Tag Archives: saxby chabliss

Dialing For Democracy! Let’s Turn the Peach State Blue!

Your energy, enthusiasm and willingness to continue on with the work past November 4th has both humbled and inspired us.

This past weekend, less than three weeks after Election Day, volunteers all over California made 15,000 phone calls on behalf of Democrat Jim Martin, who’s running against Saxby Chambliss in the Georgia Senate race, which has a runoff election on December 2nd. .

In Venice, nearly a 100 of you gathered together to make 6,500 phone calls for the Georgia Senate race,

A lot of you asked if we were going to do it again. YES! WE! ARE!


Saturday, November 29

11am to 3pm

Pot Luck Phone Bank With A View!

Ingrid van Eckert and John Blumenthal’s place

401 california Ave # 8

Santa Monica, 90403

(park in the public garage on 4th

street between California and Wilshire)

Bring your cell phones, your chargers, and your leftover Thanksgiving feast!  We’ll provide the drinks!

PLEASE RSVP HERE: http://my.barackobama.com/page…

Sunday, November 30


Pot Luck Phone Bank and Hot Tub Extravaganza at Marta and Warren’s

758 Palms Blvd., Venice, CA 90291

Bring your cell phones, your chargers, your bathing suit and your leftover turkey trimmings. We’ll supply the drinks and hot water!

PLEASE RSVP HERE: http://my.barackobama.com/page…


Going of town this weekend and can’t come to a phone bank? If you have an internet connection and a phone, no problem!  Just go to this link to get started making calls from home or on the road.  http://my.barackobama.com/page…


Why are we phone banking for Georgia? Another Senate seat doesn’t matter much with a Democratic majority in Congress, does it?

Think again.

Just last week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sent a letter to Harry Reid, signed by all 40 Senate Republicans – including Georgia incumbent, Saxby Chambliss – threatening that they were “not prepared to bend to a stronger majority.”

Saxby Chambliss, is an ultra right-wing conservative who has voted with the Republicans 94.4% of the time. He is a sure vote in a filibuster situation. But a win in Georgia would make the Senate nearly filibuster-proof.

With Alaska going blue, the Democratic majority in the Senate up to 58, and Democratic candidate Al Franken is only a few dozen votes away from winning in Minnesota pending a recount.

A win in Georgia would bring us up to the magic number 60, and that would  mean Obama will have a much better chance of being able to enact real change!