Tag Archives: Amador County Democratic Party

Monday Open Thread

•  Meg Whitman looks increasingly like a candidate for the governor’s gig.  She quit a couple boards of directors over the last few weeks. Great, just what we need, another political neophyte who thinks they can buy their way into the job.  That will never work…oh wait. The AP has it that she is going to announce soon.

Great, another Pro-Prop 8 Republican claiming to be moderate.  I have to think that some conservative will come in there and clean the clock of the “moderates” Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner, and the true moderate Tom Campbell. As I see it, there is a real opportunity for a McClintock-esque grassroots conservative to get in the race and grab the nomination, with the moderate vote split.

•  It really was rather unfortunate that Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church was vandalized over the weekend.  While the Catholic Church, and specifically the Arch Diocese of San Francisco did actively support Prop 8, I can assure you that the parishioners of Most Holy Redeemer were not the leaders or even supporters at all.  MHR is generally pretty darn gay friendly, and swastikas are never appropriate.  

• Also on the Prop 8 front, much has been said about Attorney General Jerry Brown and the brief emerging from his office on Proposition 8.  The Bee’s Peter Hecht takes a look at some of those responses today. If one were a cynic, you’d think about the position in relation to the 2010 primary, especially when you look at it through the prism of his decision-making process on Prop 5. The position of the AG’s brief rejecting the revision theory is also quite troublesome.

• This could be an idea for the budget – call in an ethicist to set priorities on spending.  One look at the Yacht Party’s plan and any ethicist worth a damn might have them all committed as psychopaths.

• California’s road to economic recovery is paved with solar panels.  It’s about 30 years too late, but we’re finally starting to see some real results on the move toward one million solar roofs, and more.  California now has more than half of the US solar capacity (sadly, the country ranks fourth in the world, behind Germany, Spain and Japan).

•  Interested in an inauguration night party? Well, the Amador County Dems have what sounds like a fun one. Check the flip for more details.

The Amador County Democratic Central Committee

Joyously invites our great Volunteers and Supporters

To a Thank You and Victory Party on Inaugural Night

Tuesday, January 20th from 7 to 9 p.m.

At the Jackson Elks Club Lodge, 12500 Kennedy Flat Road

Hors d’oeuvres and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. The Elks Club bar will be open.

We hope you will be able to join us,

On this historic evening.

RSVP to Kathy Trenam

ktrenam A T earthlink D O T net

by Wednesday, January 14th