Tag Archives: Nature Conservancy

Schwarzie does it again

Schwarzenegger is so completely set on pushing through a peripheral canal that he will do almost anything to make it happen.  The latest is this letter to Obama asking that they modify or set aside environmental processes on infrastructure projects. See his letter on his own site. http://gov.ca.gov/index.php?/p…

The most recent plan for the peripheral canal says that they don’t need legislative approval and are not asking for a bond issue.  It looks like a backroom deal between the Gov and our two Senators… or at lest Feinstein… to pay for the canal out of infrastructure money and they can get going before Arnold leaves office without any environmental checks.

Of course, this is only our future he is dealing away. Thankfully, at least on Congressman, Jerry McNerney has come out saying that it is a Baaaaaaad idea. Glad I voted for him. http://www.house.gov/apps/list…