Tag Archives: buget

Who Will Step Up And Sue Over Arnold’s Illegal Vetoes?

After the Legislative Counsel’s Opinion yesterday saying the Governor’s “blue pencil” vetoes of $500 million of spending, there was a loud chorus of “Amen” from the Legislators:

“This clearly reinforces what we believe all along,” said Assemblyman John Pérez (D-Los Angeles), who requested the legislative counsel’s opinion.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles) said it underscored her feeling that Schwarzenegger’s line-item vetoes “are as unconstitutional as they are unconscionable.” (LAT 8/5/09)

Now, the question is who will be the group that steps up and sues to restore funding, and just how soon that case can be filed. There have been whispers of a few groups and non-profits gathering together to file in the beginning of next week. We’ll get back to you when we hear more.