Tag Archives: Riverisde

He hates Socialism…especially when it’s national! (see video)

Last week there was an impressive showing for the Riverside area as 150+ people showed up for a health care candlelight vigil in front of Congressman Ken Calvert’s office.

The peaceful vigil was interrupted by a small contingent of teabagging nutjobs.  As one of the volunteers was reading health care horror stories submitted online by public option supporters and people in the crowd, the young guy in the video (Ryan or Bryan or whoever) was forcing an “Obama Hitler” poster into her face, waving it aggressively, loudly saying rude, offensive things, and nearly knocking one of the elderly vigil goers off his walker seat (classy, real classy).  Then, continuing the show of recklessness, one of the crazies had an air horn that she blasted directly into the ears of some teenage girls who were demonstrating peacefully on the sidewalk.  That’s assault, and if the police would have been at the rally like they should have been, maybe they could have prevented this abuse.

Two days later some of these same reckless idiots filmed this little video in front of Congressman Ken Calvert’s office – right after meeting with one of Calvert’s people to espouse their lies and anti-immigrant craziness. Four of them are known members of the whack job Minuteman group in Orange County (You can see pictures of their ‘rally’ in front of Calvert’s office here http://californiascrusader.com… ).
