Tag Archives: CA37AD

Asm. Mary Salas at Democrats of the Desert

Assemblymember Mary Salas (37th AD) is running for Senator Denise Ducheny’s seat in the 40th.  Salas already has the endorsement of Denise Ducheny and Manuel Perez (CA80AD), but she faces a GOP-funded primary opponent in Juan Vargas.  This is a safe Democratic seat if we pay attention to the primary.  More on Vargas over the flip.

Our club loved her, Mary is businesslike but warm, and very attractive, there is no way this lady can be 61.  

Salas emphasized her work on healthcare and veterans’ issues.  When asked about the Governor’s race:  she said she’s looking for a Governor who will have the guts enough to make the hard decisions for California.  Tired of political self-interest in that office.  She has seven bills on Arnold’s desk being held hostage to his blanket veto threat.  

Imperfect transcript over the flip.


Mary Salas 37th AD

On Manuel:  Brilliant young man, a real fighter, focused on jobs, jobs, jobs.  I serve on his Committee on Jobs and Economic Development and have seen him in action.  Thank you for all you did to get him to Sacramento.  He’s done terrific things for this community and all of CA.

You are being represented so well now, the difference is just amazing.

8 years in city council.  Very first Latina elected to the water board.  

Her uncles and father served in WWII and Korean Wars.  She serves on Cmte for Veterans Affairs, Salas is working on rental housing for veterans.

12% of our prison population is veterans.  25% of our homeless population is veterans.

Cycle of drug dependence due to PTSD.  Supports drug courts for veterans, wants diversion programs for vets.

Supports universal healthcare, serves on health cmte

Water Parks and Wildlife Cmte – still committed to getting water deal done in special session.  Ran out of time.  Affects not just farmers but all of CA, biotech companies are huge consumers of water, their needs critical, too.

Grateful for Manuel and Denise’s endorsement for Senate seat – but please don’t get complacent about this seat.

Republicans are identifying Republican- friendly Dems to challenge us.  

Juan Vargas is funded by JobsPac (CA Chamber, HMOs, Insurance Industry)  and Republican donors.  This race will be decided in June.   Mr. vargas has a record – against gay marriage stood up on the floor and fought to defeat Leno’s bill.  Insurance Cmte – Vargas eroded workers comp protection.  Made it harder for fire victims to be compensated for their losses.  

Vargas was Chair of Insurance Cmte – promised never to work for insurance company.  After Filner cleaned his clock, Vargas went to work as an insurance company lobbyist.

Here’s what I did:

Got a bill signed, hospitals can’t bill patients for emergency care.  Previously, if hospital wasn’t contracted with your HMO, you got billed the balance.  Salas got that stopped. Lobbyists came out of the woodwork and pressured our Democrats.

Was told not to bother, others have tried with this bill and failed.  She did it anyway.

Gotten a lot of legislation through relating to veterans and healthcare.  I’m a fighter just like Manuel is.

Hope you hear my message that this is a primary fight.  I’m 61 with a 42 year old daughter and three grandkids.  First grandson going to CalPoly right now.