Tag Archives: Maine Question 1

My (Brief) Thoughts on Maine …

(It stinks, but with every day, we are one step closer to equality. Also, it seems Frank Schubert agrees with Paul, No on 1 did run the better field operation. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

I hate losing elections, but what I REALLY hate is losing after a high turnout.  Losing because our base didn’t vote is depressing, but at least it tells us what we need to do to win next time – and progressives can take heart in the fact that “the people” are truly on their side, if only they showed up.  Last night, Maine’s Question 1 passed 53-47 – despite a much higher turnout than expected (we matched last year’s Obama level at the University of Maine in Orono, winning the campus 81-19.)  The “No on 1” campaign also had a far greater field presence than the opposition, and superior financial resources.  It reminds me of 2004, when Bush won despite the progressive base voting in record numbers.  When California’s Proposition 8 passed last year, everyone could tell that our side ran an awful campaign.  It was painful, but gave us many lessons to learn – lessons that the “No on 1” campaign in Maine took to heart, and performed beautifully.  That’s why this loss is so much worse than Prop 8.  I don’t know what we could have done differently, and am too sleep-deprived to think it all through.

Paul Hogarth is the Managing Editor of Beyond Chron, San Francisco’s Alternative Online Daily, where this piece was first published.