Tag Archives: Concord

Massive Turnout for DeSaulnier Crab-Fest Fundraiser in Concord

With over 650 people turning out, Mark DeSaulnier (*State Senator-Concord-Dem) set a new record for mass support at a Crab Fest in Contra Costa County.  The list of attendees included the County’s top political people including both Congressmen: Miller and Garamendi, Tom Torlakason (Assembly-Dem only 48 hours from a heart stint operation), 3 of the Board of Supervisors, The County Election Clerk, more than a dozen City Council folks from 5 different cities and county, district and state Democratic Party officials as well as union and business leaders throughout the area.

  The crowd gave DeSaulnier a standing ovation when he declared that what happened in Massachusetts will not happen here and further that ‘we will never, never, never give up on America.’