Tag Archives: Brown

Take Back Red California – Detailed Norcal Volunteer Edition – GOTV

(Thanks for the info! If anybody else has similar information for other areas, please post it. And hey, don’t forget about Jerry McNerney’s virtual phone banking. You can do it from home, and Skype provides free long distance calling. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

Take Back Red California Volunteer Bulletin


GOTV Special Bulletin



Four days til the election, folks–and it’s all coming down to turnout, getting voters to the polls.

The Republicans have a well-funded, well-oiled machine to Get Out The Vote. The Democrats have
YOU . . . the grassroots volunteers…You’re the key!

Every single voter contact is critical right now–every knock on a door, every phone call.

Four days are key for GOTV:

Saturday, November 4
Sunday, November 5
Monday, November 6
and Election Day, November 7

It’s crunch time. Pick a day, pick a campaign, and let us know how you can help. Here are some of the jobs that might be part of GOTV:

        Canvassing, knocking on doors
        Literature drops
        Distributing door hangers
        Phoning voters, either from campaign headquarters or closer to home
        Poll checking on Election Day (visiting the polls to see who has voted)
        Getting voters to the polls, by knocking on doors, calling, driving
        Visibility activities–signs, waving, showing support

The first order of business? Go to the candidate’s web site and sign up as a volunteer, so you’ll get all the news of activities, needs, and updates by email, directly from the campaign. Second, talk to one of the TBRC or Project BlueBridge coordinators listed below–we will do our best to organize carpools when possible, so people can travel in groups. (If you are traveling on your own, call the campaign directly to let them know you’re coming and to see what they need that day.)

Jerry McNerney for Congress

Latest polling gives Jerry a 2-point lead, but countering the Republican GOTV machine will be tough. Jerry needs you! It’s going to take 5700 hours of volunteer help over the next four or five days to win this race–but we can do it!

Sign up to volunteer at http://www.jerrymcnerney.org, for whatever you can do–4 hours all day, all weekend. On the web site, see the TeamMcNerneyActionCenter, and click on Get Out the Vote. You can sign up for specific times and locations.

TBRC is focusing our GOTV activities on Brentwood, for purposes of carpooling. Other campaign priorities are Stockton, Tracy and Manteca. Drivers are needed!

McNerney headquarters is in Dublin; 925-833-0643.

The organizer for Brentwood activities is Oscar Gonzales, 323-388-6383, [email protected].

For carpool arrangements to Brentwood from Marin/SF, contact TBRC volunteer coordinator Bill Sims, [email protected], 415-331-3899., for details and carpool arrangements.

Other carpooling contacts, from Project BlueBridge:

To Stockton:
     from Oakland: Raphael at [email protected], 408-203-0934
     from San Leandro: Leah at [email protected], 510-636-1756

To Brentwood from the East Bay:
     Kari at kariham@earthlink, 510-207-7257 or
     Heather at [email protected], 510-531-6075

To Tracy: Laura at [email protected], 510-525-5355

Saturday, Nov. 4, and Sunday, Nov. 5
Canvassing in Brentwood, Tracy, Stockton.

Monday, Nov. 6
For canvassing and literature drops in Brentwood, call Oscar Gonzales, 323-388-6383, for times and details.

Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 7
Need poll checkers, phoners, drivers, and other helpers
Call Oscar Gonzales, 323-388-6383, for times and details for Brentwood.

Or sign up for another location on the web site.

Phone Banking
Thanks to a new predictive dialing system, you can now make calls for the McNerney campaign from the comfort of your own home or in the company of neighbors or friends without paying long distance charges or burning inordinate amounts of fossil fuels. Visit http://www.jerrymcnerney.org/…  to get started.

Phone Banking in Oakland – EastBay for McNerney
Nov. 4-7: expanded hours–all day, every day**
SEIU Local 535
447 29th St. (between Broadway and Telegraph)
You need to RSVP, to help the organizers plan.
To RSVP, please send an email to
[email protected] and type OAKLAND PHONE BANK in the subject line or call Eden at 510-499-4862

Phone Banking in San Francisco, Nov. 5
Sunday evening, 5:00-9:00 p.m.
Come anytime, stay as long as you can.
Bring your cell phones, campaign is providing computer-assisted dialing and call scripts.
You must RSVP to Alec Bash, [email protected], 415-999-6273

Charlie Brown for Congress

Another close race that’s really heating up. MajorityWatch’s latest poll shows Charlie surging, to within the margin of error–a statistical dead heat! Boots on the ground can send Charlie Brown to Congress! Sign up to volunteer at http://www.charliebrownforcongress.org.

TBRC is focusing our activity on Roseville, for purposes of carpooling, but there are also GOTV activities in Auburn, South Lake Tahoe, and other parts of the district. The Roseville office is at 342 Lincoln; call 916-78-BROWN.

To contact the campaign directly, call Nick Shepard, field director, in Roseville: 916-782-7696, or email [email protected].

Contact TBRC volunteer coordinator David Hyams, [email protected], 415-924-8828, for directions to the Roseville office or carpool arrangements.

There will also be joint GOTV activities with Rob Haswell’s campaign for California Assembly.

Saturday, Nov. 4, Sunday, Nov. 5, and Monday, Nov. 6
Canvassing and literature drops in Roseville
Three shifts: 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m.
Phone banking 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 7
Need poll checkers, phoners, drivers, and other helpers
10 a.m. to 2 p.m., or 3:30 to 8 p.m.–or all day!
Call Nick Shepard, 916-782-7696, to see how you can help.

Sunday, Nov. 5
Weekly phone bank for Charlie Brown every Sunday
10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. in San Francisco
Contact [email protected] or 415-921-0743 for directions and details

Sunday, Nov. 5
Phone bank in San Rafael
3:00 – 5:30 p.m.
You’ll need to bring your cell phone and charger, with free minutes; we will provide lists and scripts.
For address and directions, RSVP to Tamra Peters and Bill Carney, 415-457-7656, [email protected].

Bill Durston for Congress

Hundreds of volunteers are working all around the district, and Bill is steadily gaining ground. Contributions hit a record last week, and TV ads are on the way. The excitement is palpable. But nothing can replace those volunteers! Sign up to volunteer at http://www.durstonforcongress.org, and get those voters to the polls!

TBRC is focusing on GOTV activities in Fair Oaks and Elk Grove. On election day, there are also activities in Rancho Cordova.

To volunteer for canvassing or phoning, contact TBRC volunteer coordinator Stephanie Friedman, [email protected], 510-841-3861, for details about these and other events and for carpool arrangements.

To contact the campaign directly, call campaign manager Cathlyn Daly, 916-479-5961, [email protected]. To reach the Elk Grove office, call 916-421-0202. To reach the Fair Oaks office, call 916-961-2866.

Saturday, Nov. 4, and Sunday, Nov. 5
Canvassing and phone banking in both Fair Oaks and Elk Grove
Noon to dusk; you can pick a time

Visibility Events, Sunday, Nov. 5, Monday, Nov. 6, Tuesday, Nov. 7
Join the crowd with Durston signs during commute and heavy traffic hours in various locations
Call the campaign office for times and locations

Monday, Nov. 6
Phone banking from the Elk Grove office
and from other locations
Call 916-421-0202, for details.

Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 7
Need poll checkers, phoners, drivers, and other helpers
Call Cathlyn Daly, 916-479-5961, for times and details.

Massive GOTV efforts from several locations on Election Day! Visibility and phoning from several locations–phone Stephanie, 510-841-3861 for details.

Phone banking in Marin, Sunday, Nov. 5
Phone bank in San Rafael
3:00 – 5:30 p.m.
You’ll need to bring your cell phone and charger, with free minutes; we will provide lists and scripts.
For address and directions, RSVP to Tamra Peters and Bill Carney, 457-7656, [email protected].

the above is reprinted with permission from the Founder of TBRC

CA Attorney General: Corporate Water Boy Wants to be Top Cop

(The Corporatist Agenda at its Finest – promoted by SFBrianCL)

There’s been a lot of talk about the recent rise of violent crime in cities across America. Chuck Poochigian, the Republican candidate for Attorney General of Cailfornia, particularly likes to celebrate the spike of violence in Oakland, California, where rival candidate Jerry Brown has been serving as mayor. But violence has many forms.

To paraphrase Woodie Guthrie, some folks kill with a gun, others with a fountain pen.

  “The race for ‘Top Cop’ is especially critical this year,” says Chuck Poochigian, “important because of the officeholder’s ability to affect public safety, our business climate and quality of life….  California needs a ‘Top Cop’ who will fight crime head-on.  It is imperative that the office be led by someone who respects the rule of law and will always put public safety first.”

Well, I guess leaves ol’ Chucky out – except for the business climate part, of course. Chuck’s been carrying the water for big corporations in the California legislature for quite a while.

For example, the Corporate Criminal Liability Act was signed into law in 1991 by then-Governor George Deukmejian (and boss of Chuck) “as an appropriate law enforcement tool aimed at preventing socially unacceptable acts, such as when a businesses conceals a serious danger that they know is likely to injure or kill a consumer or a worker.” Good for Duke and Chuck – and California consumers!

Next election cycle, corporate America found a new ally when Chuck set up shop in the California Assembly. The bucks rolled in from oil, tobacco and booze producers and Chuck did their bidding.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Sweden, Dr. Viking O. Bjork was having trouble sleeping. Seems the heart valve that he’d help market was making people’s hearts explode. (No kidding). The doc, being a good guy, called the head of Pfizer in New York and told him to stop putting explosive devices in people’s hearts, ”… and if you continue against my advice, this is murder,” said the doc.

“Pshaw!” said Pfizer, “Don’t worry about it – and whatever you do don’t tell anybody.” Then they called somebody who called California State Assemblyman Charles Poochigian (R-Fresno) – because knowingly implanting devices into people that made their hearts explode was a clear violation of  California’s Corporate Criminal Liability Act.  According to the federal government, Pfizer had certainly done all that and more. The Bjork valves were manufactured in Irvine, Cailfornia and Chuck Pachoogian had a reputation for going to bat for giant corporations that were being picked on.

  So after cashing checks from Pfizer and the Chamber of Commerce and the Manufacturers Association (for his campaign) Chuck authored Assembly Bill 675, which would decriminalize the knowing implantation of devices that caused  hearts to explode.

In a curious twist, it took another Swede to put AB 675 over the top. In return for providing “political cover” for every Republican in the Assembly, the state Attorney General at the time, Dan Lungren, raked in about $20K. from Pfizer.  The California District Attorneys Association called that “playing politics and courting business over fellow crime fighters.”

Pfizer wound up paying out more than $100,000 to Poochigian and other Republicans – to basically let them get away with murder.