Tag Archives: Family Violence Prevention Fund

Make A Father’s Day Declaration

I invite you to join me in making the following declaration:

I declare here and now I believe in respect. I am a person ready to take a stand against relationship violence and abuse. I want all to know this symbolizes my commitment to solve problems through conversation, not confrontation. Together we can teach others to lift their hands in embrace, not in anger. We can show compassion equals strength, and by doing so, help shape a world free of relationship violence.

To declare it, go here.

After you declare it, share it.

The Family Violence Prevention Fund is on a mission to create a future of healthy relationships. And as such, they are asking people to Give RESPECT!, and make a declaration.

So far, mostly women have signed. Women should sign, and I'm asking the men to step up. Relationship violence is a problem that lives in the shadows. To end it, we must bring it into the light and talk about it. You can help by making the declaration, and sending it on.

And to the women reading this, please sign the declaration too and send it to the men you know, and ask them to make a stand.

After all, what is it to be a man?

It's not measured by the size of your wallet, but by the size of your heart.
It's not determined by the strength of your muscles, but by the strength of your courage.
It's not judged by how tall you stand, but by what you stand up for.

And this Father's Day, it's time to man up.

Last Call to Help End Relationship Violence

If ending relationship violence were as easy as downloading a song, would you do it?

For the last two months, Macy's and Alfani have been giving away free downlaods of Ne-Yo's exclusive song “Heroes”. Every time someone downloaded it, Macy's and Alfani gave $1 to the RESPECT! Campaign to end relationship violence. So far, more then $35,000 have been raised to fund projects to help parents to teach their kids non-violence.

Tomorrow is the last day of the program, so I'm blogging to invite you – yes you – to download this song now and send this link to your friends and ask them to do the same.


Right now, an argument in a relationship is turning violent.

Right now, lives are being shattered because people see each other as objects.

Right now, children are learning by example.

Get as many people to download the song as possible – Right now.

Download. Post to Facebook. Post to Twitter.