Tag Archives: Path To 9/11

[UPDATED WITH VIDEO] Courage Campaign Path To 9/11 Protest

( – promoted by SFBrianCL)

The California Courage Campaign is organizing a protest of Disney over ABC's planned airing of the false and misleading Path To 9/11 crock-u-drama. It will take place at the Disney Studios in Burbank TODAY at 4pm.

Here’s video:

Details follow over the flip:


We probably had around 30 people there at its peak, waving great colorful signs that said things like "Pull The Show", "Facts Not Fantasia" and "I'm Not Going To Disney Land." Hey, and even CNN showed up!

The best part for me was all the support we got from the passersby. Most cars that passed either honked or shouted support or gestured peace signs out their windows.

One woman stopped at the light, opened her window and yelled out to us "I support what you're doing. I'm a film producer so I have to be careful but I support you. I suport the truth!" Then later, this guy just pulled up next to us and asked if he could join. We were like "Yeah!" so he parked and we gave him a sign. That was cool. You never know what you're gonna get when someone pulls up at one of these things. One guy who did, rolled down his window and yelled "ever hear of freedom of the press!" Umm, clearly you haven't, buddy. And then this other guy pulled up, got out and dropped off a box of flyers with Mohammed Atta's face with Mickey Mouse ears and then just drove away.

For now, you can see some pics and the huge response it got over at DailyKos, thanks to dday who swung by. I'll have some more pics up and hopefully some video tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who was able to come by but also to those who were there in spirit from all over the country!

Protest at the Disney Lot TODAY in Burbank at 4pm

The pressure against Disney and ABC to pull the plug on their fictitious docu-drama, “The Path To 9/11” is mounting. President Clinton, through his attorney, has condemned Disney as "despicable" for "airing a fictional version of what is a serious and emotional event for our country. No reputable organization," he said, "should dramatize 911 for a profit at the expense of the truth."

The families of September 11 victims have weighed in on the controversy, telling "entertainers" not to "promote misleading or incorrect information as fact to the public." As residents of Los Angeles County, we have the ability to take this fight to the gates of the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank. We will do so TODAY, Friday at 4pm.

Join Courage Campaign and your fellow activists at the Disney Studios in Burbank in front of the West Alameda Gate, between S. Buena Vista and Keystone Streets.

Let’s make it clear to the executives at ABC that the events of September 11th cannot be re-written by right wing conservatives to suit their political agenda.