Tag Archives: Jean Quan

Jean Quan Recall Petitions Set to Hit the Streets

Two groups will be gathering signatures

by Brian Leubitz

Jean Quan’s problems certainly aren’t limited to Occupy Oakland, but it may well be the impetus to her recall.  It is really hard to defend her handling of the situation, and even some of her most dedicated supporters are inching for the exit.  After going through the process, the signature forms are about to hit the streets:

The petitions to recall embattled Oakland Mayor Jean Quan have been all but cleared for takeoff and could be on the streets by next week.

Once Quan’s opponents make a few minor wording changes, they’ll have 160 days to collect the 19,800 signatures needed to qualify the measure for the ballot, said City Clerk LaTonda Simmons.(SF Chronicle)

Now, because there are two separate organizations gathering signatures, there could very well be a bit of friction.  Gene Hazzard, who first filed the recall paperwork, gets to officially submit the signatures.  The other organization that recently cropped up will have to trust him to actually turn in the completed signatures.  However, at this time a settlement without recall seems like a pretty vague, amorphous, and unlikely situation.

It is never easy to collect the necessary signatures, but Quan has all the textbook markers of vulnerability to a recall.  Look for those petitions popping up all over Oakland soon.

Oakland Police Officers Assoc. attacks Jean Quan with dubious Robocall

Things are getting a bit nasty in Oakland. Four City Councilmembers proposed a budget plan that would cut general fund allocations for several departments. There is a shortfall of at least $31 million. The public safety departments represent 72% or more of our general fund expenditures, so no matter how much other stuff they cut, without cutting police the budget cannot balance. Everyone I have spoken with received a robocall from the police association yesterday, misrepresenting the situation and blaming potential police layoffs on Councilmember Jean Quan. Appears to be connected to a mayoral campaign. Announced candidates include former state senator Don Perata and undeclared candidate Rebecca Kaplan as well as two-term city councilmember Quan. (There are a few other candidates as well.)

4:28 yesterday (Tuesday 6-22-10)

[Lovely male personage calling did not identify self at beginning or end of message:]

“The Oakland City Council is threatening to lay off 200 police officers. This would ___?____ [unintelligible word] their public safety response and place everyone who lives and works in Oakland at risk. A private citizen wrote in a local paper that “it would turn Oakland into a war zone.” The City Council Finance Committee led by Jean Quan has refused to consider other viable options or even to consider making cuts to nonessential city services. Please call Jean Quan’s office to protest the layoff of police officers. Her number is 510-238-7304. Let’s work together for a safer Oakland.”

Scare tactics, possibly illegal robocalls, and misrepresentation of the budget proposal. Not likely to improve relationships with the police organization.