Tag Archives: CA-LtG

CA-LtG: Garamendi nabs endorsements, and a strong ad

John Garamendi has picked up several endorsements. The list is quite long, but thankfully the campaign has compiled all the links: Los Angeles Times, Sacramento Bee,  San Jose Mercury News, Stockton Record, Merced Sun Star, Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Monterey County Weekly,  La Opinion and  San Francisco Bay Guardian. Whew!

The LA Times said, “Garamendi should take that same creative and battling spirit and put it to work on public institutions …  and McClintock’s positions on immigration, same-sex marriage and other social issues betray a cramped vision of the state’s future.”

After the flip, Garamendi has produced the obvious ad, McClintock is too extreme.  He uses McClintock’s own words against him.  It’s a perfect ad for this race.

Field Poll on CA-Sen, CA-AG, and CA-LtG

The Field Poll (PDF) continues to dribble out.  In today’s installment, we get numbers for CA-Sen, CA-AG, and CA-LtG.  First of all, I must add the caveat on all of these down-ballot numbers.  Most people generally aren’t that informed about down-ballot races and don’t even care to get informed all that much.  Consider the numbers with a grain of salt. 

Oh, and CA-Sen isn’t a race.  Why people even bother to poll this one is beyond me.  Feinstein is ahead of Crazy Dick Mountjoy 57-29. I guess if that shows us anything, it’s how messed up that Datamar poll was that showed this as a 11-point race.  Datamar really needs to work on their likely voter model.  It’s like they think that the entire state has the same voting model as San Diego.  It doesn’t.

CA-AG Jerry Brown v. Chuck Poochigian

Jerry Brown’s lead shrank down to 15 points over Chuck Poochigian.  (July)

Brown(D)  45(54)
Poochigian (R) 33(30)
Other  8(1)
Undecided  18(12)

Interestingly enough, the gains weren’t really to Pooch, but rather to Undecided and Other.  I guess that may be a function of Pooch pretty much running a negative campaign without much in the way of positive ads.  Pooch’s name ID is pretty low, so he better get to getting his name out there or the new, tougher Jerry Brown model will nameID him to death.

CA-LtG: John Garamendi v Tom McClintock

This race tightened up a bit.  Here are the numbers (July)

Garamendi(D)  41(48)
McClintock (R) 39 (38)
Other 8 (1)
Undecided 12 (13)

Garamendi is leaking some Dems to third party candidates.  So, tell your friends…there will be no 3rd party voting on Lt. Gov.  We really don’t want Tom McCrazytock getting anything of a platform.  McClintock still has a bunch of residual name ID from the recall. However, I think low-40s his really his ceiling.  He really is just too conservative for this state.  When people see his positions they get a bit queasy on voting for him, whether or not he can dish out some “straight talk”.

I’ll be updating the Poll HQ with these numbers after all of the down ballot numbers are released.