We are in a huge budget deficit crisis, no doubt. So, in response, the Citizens Compensation Commission has made the bold step of saving, well, nothing, by eliminating the vehicle fleet purchased for legislators.
California lawmakers can say goodbye to their cars provided largely at taxpayer expense.
The California Citizens Compensation Commission voted today to give legislators a $300 monthly car allowance to drive their own vehicles, effective the first week in December. … The current program’s per-vehicle cost to taxpayers averaged $7,508 annually in the Senate and $7,397 annually in the Assembly during a one-year period that ended Nov. 30. The totals equal 42 cents and 38 cents per mile, respectively.
By contrast, legislators who drive their own vehicles are reimbursed by the Senate at 40 cents per mile and by the Assembly at 44 cents per mile.(SacBee)
Now, this isn’t really that big of a deal. It’s not like any of these legislators don’t already have their own vehicles and insurance. It’s just a stupid symbolic move that doesn’t actually save the state any money. It’s hard to argue that legislators shouldn’t be driving around for state business, that’s kind of their job. So, instead they’ll just drive their own cars.
No big deal I suppose, but it would sure be nice if we could actually focus on the big picture rather than playing around with feel-good do-nothing garbage. Hey, I wonder how much the Citizens’ Compensation Committee is costing us?