I should probably fold this into what Brian wrote above, but just a little housekeeping and what’s in store for tomorrow, in what should be a very entertaining day in the Golden State. I’ll be at this Barack Obama event tomorrow:
Los Angeles Town Hall Meeting
Los Angeles Trade Technical College
400 West Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Doors Open: 8:30 AM
And from there, I’ll be heading to the Kodak Theater for the first Clinton/Obama, mano-a-mano debate, at 5pm local time. I’ll be trying to grab as many interviews beforehand and will be inside the “spin room” afterwards (I prefer “lying den,” but I’m old-fashioned).
Then, Friday morning, Ted Kennedy will be out in LA stumping for Barack. I should be able to make that one as well.
But what I really wanted to let you know about is our Drinking Liberally Tsunami Tuesday watch party, at our new location:
Nocturnal Bar
2101 Lincoln (@ Grant)
Santa Monica, CA 90404
We had a tremendous turnout for our Iowa caucus watch party, and this time we’re partnering with the local MoveOn.org chapter, so it should be outstanding. Come one come all!
I’ll have a lot more for y’all tomorrow.
(NOTE: E minus-6 would be SoS Debra Bowen’s term for 6 days left until the election)