Tuesday 4/7 Open Thread

It’s spring break in Sacramento, so there’s not much left to report, but here’s a little…

• It was mentioned before, but John Garamendi is reportedly “checking out” the CA-10 race, which to me makes perfect sense.  Garamendi’s knowledge base and his experience in Washington would probably make him an excellent Congressman.  However, for the moment Garamendi is still a candidate for Governor, and he recently hired former liberal talk radio host Peter B. Collins as a “messaging and communications consultant.”  Interesting hire.

• The showdown between Antonio Villaraigosa and local unions continues, with the Mayor demanding concessions or the prospect of 2,800 layoffs.  This is going to be an ugly battle, necessitated by a nearly $1 billion dollar deficit.  

• Californians have significantly lowered gas use, and the economists cited in the piece offer the correct rationale – the unemployed have less reason to drive.  Now would be the perfect opportunity to create a host of public transit options that could attract residents before an economic upswing puts people back on the roads again, but of course, we’re cutting all transit operations budgets, despite increases in mass transit use.

• Arnold’s pro-Special election campaign sent out an email highlighting Tom Campbell’s support.  Unfortunately, they didn’t mention that Campbell opposes 1B and 1C.  Oops.

• Alyson Huber is carrying two bills that would increase public transparency in campaign finance and lobbying records.  Sounds good to me.  All contributors and lobbying sessions should be public.

• And going by Stephen Colbert logic, the number one threat to America is now the hallway to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s office inside the Capitol, because the Governor just placed an 800-pound bronze bear there.  These godless killing machines will be sure to chew up visiting dignitaries and any wayward lawmakers acting in contravention of the Chamber of Commerce’s dictates.  This is the Threat Down!