Tax Day Open Thread

Calitcs has a new Twitter account! You can catch updates from Calitics right here. Here we go with the links:

  •  Arnold is going to campaign for the May 19 Special election initiatives. Really, Mr. 30-something percent approval promises to be all over the state. But all you skeptics and data-people, you need to look at his info. Because apparently everybody is coming up to him in the streets and telling him they are voting yes. It's a very scientific study.
  • The House leadership is requiring all members to post a list of projects they want funded in the budget on their website. Not exactly Web2.0 or anything here. It's typically buried somewhere on a very web1.0 site, you get to do the clicking around to find it. On the other side, Rep. Jackie Speier had Stanford law professor Larry Lessig review projects to submit to appropriations.
  • Sacramento has slowly begun to clean out their Bushville.  Prediction: We'll be dealing with some other tent city in or near Sacramento in three months.
  • Hey, did you know budget cuts hit the most vulnerable in California? Well, the Bakersfield Californian did. It's a good thing senior citizens are wise, becaused they'll need every bit of that wisdom to choose between eating and taking their meds.  All kidding aside, the dramatic effects of these cuts are just beginning to take hold. This type of story is important for the people of California to see.
  • The San Francisco school board voted 6-1 to oppose Fiona Ma's AB 223 that would require SF, and only SF, to offer JROTC in high schools. Even members of the board who supported JROTC are opposing this measure due to the precedent setting effect of having the state government regulate a single school district like this.
  • Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is touring the Delta, reviewing flood control projects and the water concerns for the Central Valley. Salazar has announced $260 million in stimulus spending on California water projects, which is sorely needed.
  • Asm. Bill Monning has begun a video mailbox feature. He'll be answering questions weekly.