Live Coverage of the Budget “Summary”

Over at SacBee, they have live commentary of the Governer’s “budget summary” press conference. The governor’s web site has live video. Right now, i’m listening to some very dramatic music. We’ll have some commentary in this thread.

UPDATE by Brian: I don’t have time to go into this whole thing, but suffice it to say that this was an act of economic terrorism. Leaving behind the issues on the ballot. Even if the deficit is only $15 billion rather than the $21 billion if the 1C, 1D, and 1E pass, his cuts are far too deep. He’s asking for federal waivers to make cuts worse on Californians and totally rejects the idea of increased revenue.

This isn’t leadership. This is about a failed leader trying desperately to save himself.  Arnold came in from day one and did his damndest to bring in the conservative ideology where it didn’t belong through showmanship.  His first act was to axe the VLF, which was one of the most irresponsible acts of a Governor in recent memory.  That cut singlehandedly set off the long string of deficits that have lead us to this point.

No, Arnold’s nothing but a two-bit huckster who has sold the state snake oil for six long years. He’s no post-partisan. He is actively trying to drown California’s government in Norquist’s proverbial bathtub.  But nobody is buying his act anymore.

31 thoughts on “Live Coverage of the Budget “Summary””

  1. because that would be illegal under the budget agreement.  It’s just a summary designed to look exactly like a revise only without those messy corroborating numbers.

  2. Someone needs to ask Arnold how there will be any economic recovery at all if there’s so much money taken out of the economy, so many jobs lost, so many services and needs unmet, via these cuts.

  3. Rainy Day fund in Prop 58 was “flawed”  Nice. Good work. This is why I should trust him?

    The rainy day fund has to be “locked away”.  

    This man is preparing to push us over the cliff.

  4. Arnold? A Leader?

    The man is a joke. We have no money, so let’s “blow up the boxes” and recreate this state the way I want.

    We need to recall him. Now.

  5. “I made it very clear (on the last budget) that the $12 billion dollars, that’s it.”  He’s drawing the line on revenue.

    He also just foreclosed the majority-vote fee increase.

  6. People ought ot know the numbers. People should know the differences. THe people are our partners.

    I promise that what I said just now I will follow throught. I will make every effort.

    I call bullshit.

  7. Apparently Genest and Arnold want to cut deeper than the stimulus bill lets them.  Apparently they want the Obama administration to let them cut further.

    No. We need NEW Revenue. Now.

  8. This is a “let’s burn everything down” proposal. It’s an act of madness.

    There seem to be at least three related tracks of fighting back:

    1. Demand the rich and corporations pay their fair share

    2. Push back against the economy-busting cuts

    3. Shore up the federal angle and let Obama and our Congressional delegation know that Arnold’s efforts to fuck with the stimulus cannot be allowed to occur.

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