So What Does The Election Mean?

No doubt the spin doctor wing of the political consultancy will be working overtime tomorrow morning to try and “explain” what actually happened today, why people voted the way they did, and what signal it supposedly sends to the state government as it tries to pass some semblance of a state budget in the months to come. Already the Republicans (who can’t seem to win more than just over a third of the state in presidential, senatorial or legislative elections) are claiming that this is a mandate for cuts, cuts, cuts, and no new taxes, even though there was nothing remotely close to either an “all-cuts” or a “tax-n-spend” alternative on the ballot. Elected Democrats are a bit less clear, message-wise, although the smarter ones are belatedly focusing their message on the need to fix the budget by going to a majority rule on budget and taxes. Schwarzeneggar, who has been an utter disaster even by his own standards, skipped town and hid behind Obama’s skirts, pretending vainly like Californian environmental standards were somehow his idea, and not an existing political movement that he sort of posed next to when the cameras were rolling.

So why did the measures fail, what does it mean, and what do the voters of California want?

1. The measures failed because anti-tax Republican voters in exurban and rural California were fired up to vote against them while pro-establishment Democratic voters in the Bay Area and LA voted out of resigned obligation; because anti-establishment Democratic voters and several important unions such as SEIU, AFSCME, the Nurses and several of the teacher’s unions didn’t buy the hard sell from the Democratic Party; and because the initiatives themselves were complicated, opaque gimmicks that didn’t provide any kind of a clear way forward for the state. There was very little argument FOR any of them; in essence, the Yes campaign was more of an Anti-NO campaign that scolded rather than sold. In many ways, this felt a lot like the abortive attempt to ram term limit extensions down our throats during the special presidential primary last spring. Voters are exhausted by this chain of special elections, and the options were so disheartening and complicated to sort out that the majority of voters just shrugged and sat the thing out.

2. What it means, given the weird constellation of interests on both sides of the vote, does not translate at all to any partisan or even ideological agenda. On the NO side were the crazies in the Howard Jarvis/Grover Norquist camp, lots of unions, most liberal bloggers, and a fair number of those of us who actually read through the fine print. On the YES side were all elected Democrats, a ton of powerful corporations, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau, and the CTA teacher’s union. The divide here is between the bipartisan establishment consensus on cobbling together the status quo a bit longer, and people on both ends of the spectrum that want a break from the Grey Davis/Arnold Schwarzeneggar consensus of service cuts, tuition hikes, a few regressive tax hikes, raiding local government, and a perpetually stalemated state government.

What makes it confusing is that now that these initiatives have gotten shot down, the former allies on the NO side will now be at each other’s throats, as both try to define the way forward, now that the status quo has, once again, lurched towards outright failure. This was a battle between the present and the future; the next step will be a battle between two different ideas of a future California. And of course, there’s also the great muddled public, who mostly took a rain check on this election; who they side with, if at all, remains to be seen, but they sure as heck haven’t been willing to vote for the establishment “solutions” we’ve seen in the past several elections, any more than they’ve sided with the various radical solutions proposed by either left or right.  It will be interesting to see how the potential default and bankruptcy of the state affects the alignment of the state electorate; at any rate, the present cannot continue.

3. Expanding on the last point, it isn’t really possible to say what the voters of California want, because the state doesn’t think with a hive mind; we are as divided as any society, along various political and regional lines. More accurate, perhaps, is to say that California’s political debate is divided three ways right now, with no one side capable of gaining enough power to rule the state government outright, especially given the 2/3 rule to pass taxes, budgets, and override Gubernatorial vetoes. Even if we were to go to a majority-vote system (which I believe is the only way out of our mess), it would still fundamentally be a matter of grand coalitions and deal-making.

And yet, while the electorate is only really allowed to speak through periodic binary votes on messy initiatives and flawed politicians, the message that the voters (well, a majority of them, at least) seems to be sending, if you look carefully, looks a bit like this:

a. They want the state government to do its job, pass budgets on time, and generally leave them the hell alone. The more of these special elections we’ve gotten, the more exhausted everyone has gotten, except perhaps for political consultants and talking-head commentators, for whom Arnold’s permanent revolution since 2003 has been a full employment program.

b. They are not thrilled with taxes in general, but are more than willing to pay them in specific, especially if it’s tied to programs or state services they like. A lot of the ballot box budgeting via initiative is basically a frustrated electorate trying to go around a state legislature held hostage by the Republican party and the 2/3 rules. The fact that 1d and 1e went down hard, while 1b did the best of the budget-related initiatives can be interpreted as a statement against service cuts and the establishment’s desire to run things from the center.

c. They’re absolutely fed up with politicians, all of them. 1f is basically a giant middle finger to Sacramento from voters across the political spectrum. There is tangible anger out there, and the party that credibly taps into that may well win the next round of battles.

The Republican party has realized that it has no hope of ever actually getting to that 2/3 consensus supermajority point, and so has resigned themselves to just shooting down everything else in hopes of denying control of the state to either the establishment Democrats or the emerging Democratic left. The Democratic establishment hasn’t quite grasped that while they currently control the Democratic party majority in Sacramento, they can’t work with Republicans and can’t just count on the emerging Democratic left to go along with everything they propose by saying “Ooga Booga Republicans!” The Democratic left isn’t going to be a dominant force in Sacramento for another couple of election cycles, but we’re tired of following the lead of establishment Dems who have proven themselves unable to chart a way forward.

What will determine the next stage of budget battles is who will be able to change the rules of this stalemated game, and what coalition will ultimately rule the emerging consensus that comes out of the collapse that’s staring us in the face. The strategy of the GOP is clear: prevent the crisis from being resolved, and try to tap into the rage of a frustrated electorate by pretending that the government’s failure to pass a budget is the fault of the (impotent) Democratic majority. Noone knows WTF the establishment Democrats are thinking, they’ve been very very quiet about how in the world they’d respond to the $15 billion shortfall staring us in the face, much less a defeat at the ballot box that increases that already huge sum. What those of us on the Democratic left tried to do, and what we hope the establishment Democrats eventually join us in doing, is to call the GOP’s bluff, show the voters of California that they have, essentially a choice between bankruptcy, default and the end of the services that they want and have repeatedly voted to preserve through initiatives on the one hand (the GOP way), or else we can end the 2/3 rule and remove the GOP obstacle so that the state government can fully fund those services that people want.

I believe that the promise of a majority budget, and the ability for voters to throw out whatever party cuts too much or taxes too much, will restore a needed dynamism to the sclerotic, dysfunctional state government. Right now, noone is in charge, noone can be held responsible, and nothing can actually get done. It is time to cut Prop 13’s gordian knot, and restore our state to a full democracy again, that rightly self-corrects with the shifting of the political winds and the will of the electorate. If Democrats can successfully make the case that ending 2/3 is a solution to the status quo that the voters so clearly hate, and a vehicle to protecting education, fixing roads, environmental protection, and preserving a social safety net i the midst of a depression, I think they’ll be able to set up a new ruling consensus to replace the prop 13 one.

But we’ll see.

originally at surf putah

16 thoughts on “So What Does The Election Mean?”

  1. His diary about it is currently on the rec list at DKos and looks like it’s about to fall off.  It needs as much attention as it can get.  I recommend you read it, recommend it, and forward it to every Californian you know.  

  2. There is a sense in which I agree with Lakoff.  The meaning of the election depends on what you do and the clear message from this election was that there is not overwhelming mandate to do anything.  After all, the turnout was a whopping 17% and probably that was pulled higher by the CA-32 Race (thankfully lost by Gilded Cedillo).

    Those who did bother to vote often expressed the idea that the legislature can no longer duck it’s responsibility by setting up initiative measures that are designed to fail.

    I also agree with Lakoff that it is time to take the taxation issue head on. To hem and haw about this will only assure that continuation of the status quo.

    The current thinking in Sacramento that one can balance the State Budget by taking sales tax revenue from Cities / Counties will create a backlash like a tsunami.

    Going forward, it is necessary to have a solid plan, one that makes sense, and a budget that could reasonably fund government.  There is no way to achieve that without challenging Prop 13 and the loopholes that it provides for developers, etc.  The simple act of re-assessing all properties when the holding company is sold will go a long way to resolving this.  When Prop 13 passed, the real estate tax burden was split approximately 50-50 between home owners and the owners of commercial real estate.  Now,the divide is approximately 66% home owner and 34% commercial.

    Changing Prop 13 is a long standing part of the Green Party agenda. I doubt that Bass and Sternberg have the political courage to tackle Prop 13 but they won’t fix things unless they do.  

  3. ….that the public is voting for a balanced budget without borrowing. It isn’t an anti-tax vote, and it isn’t an anti-cuts vote. If the government slashed employment and cut pay rates like the private sector is doing, and also PROGRESSIVELY raised taxes, I’m pretty sure the public would go along.

  4. I think the election comes down to one simple word: anger.

    There was no careful analysis of our fiscal situation.  There was not reasoned approach to balancing out needs with our resources.  There was just anger.

    Obviously people were angry about different things–some about taxes some about … well, I guess it would be the sclerotic, dysfuctional state government.

    I can only speak for myself, but I think we spent lots of money on unnecessary bullshit (I have posted specifics here many times), and I’m sick of it.

    I think the basic problem is term limits because by the time legislators discover where the restrooms are, they are termed out.  There is no opportunity to develop a real understanding of what the state is doing and, of course, no real opportunity to question the validity of state programs.

    Perhaps the legislature will look at the election results and conclude that Californians think that people are angry about the timeliness of budgets or that taxes are too low.  I hope that they take a long hard look at the role of state goverment in the lives of Californians and start pulling back.  

    At the same time, they could work to make taxes more progressive and MAYBE raise revenue a bit.  But the story here is that cuts are coming.  

  5. Something nobody points out is that the a–hole in the Governor’s mansion vetoed universal healthcare in 2006, and that a sizeable chunk of our budget shortfall is due to the horrible inefficiency of the for-profit healthcare hodgepodge. The Lewin Group originally estimated in 2006 that signing SB 840 was going to save $43.8 billion for state and local governments. In addition savings to the state (businesses and individuals) would total $343.6 billion over the first 10 years (which could be used partially as a revenue source for other things by changing the tax code)

    The money to fix all our other problems could come from fixing our healthcare problems. If only the Governor hadn’t been a knee-jerk free-market-uber-alles politician beholden to the insurance and pharma industries.


  6. The voters hated it. The only people who liked it were the people who crafted it.

    The Republican minority is not interested in governing the state. They just want to keep anyone else from governing it.

    What does it mean? It means we all have a mission: to work at repealing the 2/3 rule to pass a budget (we could probably manage keeping 2/3 for taxes if we had to) and to find 6 seats that we can flip from Republican to Democratic.

    When I see the polls, the people are willing to deal with taxes for something they want – witness for example the sales tax increase in LA County for rail transit – even with the supermajority thresholds. But the cap in 1A wasn’t going to keep services funded and it was going to be a Prop 13-like albatross for the next 30 years, keeping spending to the levels we have now, with our kids at the bottom of the national education spending lists.

  7. and got screwed in return.

    The Democratic Party in CA is a throwback to another era.  Mostly we are still represented by machine politicians who get elected via large donations, spending that money on expensive consultants and media-based campaigns and 30-second ads.  On the whole, the large unions are part of the machines, and I don’t think that are all that thrilled about grassroots politics either, even if there are a lot of good labor people involved at the local level.

    We’re only starting to get traction in the state party; the successful effort to withhold the state party convention’s endorsement of about half of these propositions (led by some of the people here at Calitics) was a kick in the elected asses of some of the Usual Suspects.   But while that’s real influence of a sort, it’s a weak sort of influence.

    It’s time the state party embraced the new politics, and started behaving like the Democratic Wing Of The Democratic Party actually has a place at the table.  That means being willing to communicate clearly, and it means being listening better to voters than large corporate lobby driven donors.  It means starting to speak truthfully about the need to fix the budgeting process, starting with the need to eliminate the 2/3 requirement and the corporate tax-breaks that are part of Proposition 13.  And it means starting to speak to voters via local organizing, in longer than in 30 second chunks.

    The electeds got their way in the manner they “solved” this year’s budget problems.  This is where it got them.  Maybe they should try it our way, for a change.

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