Prop 13: Phil Ting and 1000 Volts

PhotobucketWe’ve mentioned Phil Ting’s quest to split the property tax rolls a bunch of times, but I wanted to draw special attention to an event in San Francisco to organize for this vital structural reform. And if this is going to get done, there has to be a real grassroots movement to grab the 1,000 volt third rail of California politics.

And this is an achievable goal, despite whatever the conventional wisdom says. Table 6 in this  Field Poll (PDF) from last year is particularly relevant. So, the good news, is that we have a great shot at fixing the split roll question no matter which way the issue is framed.  But, you can clearly see that framing matters with this question.  

When voters are asked whether they would prefer higher commercial taxes than residential taxes, 47% of voters say yes. However, when asked if they would prefer having lower residential property taxes than commercial property taxes, which describes the same situation, 61% approve.  Either way, we start with a small lead, but it becomes much bigger when the right question is asked.

The event’s going to be a quasi-focus group, quasi organizing event, quasi-brainstorming kind of session. So, bring your bright ideas, and let’s get started right now on at least one reform.

Here are the details:

Date:   Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Time:   6:30pm – 8:00pm

Location:  SF LGBT Center

Street:    1800 Market St.

City/Town: San Francisco, CA