CDP Files Complaint Against Arnold’s Ad

A few days ago, we mentioned Arnold’s TV ad. It was rather sketchy, considering it drew a bizarre line in the sand. However, it turns out there is something else sketchy about the ad.  Namely, that it violates regulations laid down by the Fair Political Practices Commission.

Specifically, the money for the ad came from Arnold’s ballot measure account “Governor Schwarzenegger’s Dream Team California” Under FPPC regulations (Title 2 of the California Code of Regs, Sec. 18521.5), such ballot measure committees must only spend money on ACTUAL ballot measures, whether to gather signatures or what not. But while that is a bit murky, the one thing that is clear is that spending has to be in the furtherance of a ballot measure.

If you recall, the ad said nothing whatsoever about any ballot measure. In fact, the only thing it does mention is the budget negotiation process. Thus, Arnold will have to find some other slush fund to run this ad. The CDP is asking for the FPPC to seek an injunction to block the airing of the ad or of its continued existence on a website paid for by the “Dream Team” Committee.

If you are a big nerd like me, you can get all the details from this letter from the CDP to the FPPC and from the actual complaint filed with the FPPC.