Budget Voting Thread

The State Senate is in session right now.  You can watch at CalChannel, if you dare, or follow along with the live-tweeting at the #cabudget hashtag.

…Jeff Denham is completely grandstanding and trying to create a mailer for his Lt. Governor campaign.  He’s playing the Tough on Crime Wurlitzer by lashing out at the cut to the corrections budget.  Lying about the early release figures, too.  Chris Kelly must be getting a thrill up his leg.

UPDATES by Robert: Now Tom Harman, Republican of Huntington Beach, is parroting Denham’s claims on early release. This isn’t a budget debate, this is a GOP attack on Democrats.

…high drama on the first bill, AB 1, in the Senate. Although 4 Republicans voted Aye – Ashburn, Aanestad, Hollingsworth and Huff – 3 Dems have voted no, and they are Cedillo, Correa and Yee. DeSaulnier and Oropeza haven’t voted, and Maldonado could always flip his vote.

UPDATE by Dave: This is going to be a long night.  They couldn’t even get votes for the first provision, where the details of it haven’t even been determined?

…I’m out for a bit, so Robert will take you through the madness.

UPDATE by Robert: SoCal activists led by Marta Evry are asking folks to contact Oropeza’s office to ask her to vote no – (916) 651-4028.

…Abel Maldonado lays out the Zombie Death Cult strategy:

I’ve known dennis hollingsworth for 10 years and in every budget he would say “the longer we wait. The better it gets” what’s he think now

I’m guessing Maldonado and Zed aren’t exactly BFF.

…Oropeza shows up and votes Aye, and Strickland flips from No to Aye. One more yes vote and they’ll have passed the first of 31 budget bills. Gonna be a looooong night.

…Runner flips from No to Aye and the measure passes – but not before Mark DeSaulnier gets his No vote in. I’m pleased that DeSaulnier is voting no, but he needs to vote no from the outset and not sneak it in when it already has passed.

…Dave Cogdill is trying to push an amendment to end state funding of abortion. Dems are going to table this bullshit (and the amendment dies).

…health bill passes more easily, 29-11.

…AB 6, Medi-Cal cuts, pass 39-0.

list of bills and their overall impact is here. Not all bills are available in full detail.

…after the drama on the first bill, the others are pretty much flying right by. The pattern is clear: All Dems vote yes, with usually just enough Repubs to get to the 2/3 level (27 votes). Republicans get their budget and then make Democrats vote for it. No Democrat has yet explained why the hell they are going along with this.

…right now they’re going after the low hanging fruit. The difficult bills – as @capitolweekly notes, the difficult ones are education, welfare, and local government – are being bypassed for now.

…AB 5, which passed 29-11, will cause about 775,000 children to lose their health care coverage. Senator Ducheny (Dem) said she hopes First 5 will come through with funds to save that program. In other words, the legislature is trying to enact Prop 1D even after voters rejected it on May 19.

…AB 22 will sell off some state property, including the OC Fairgrounds. Jeff Denham wants more property to be sold and hints Republicans will demand more sales the next time the legislature has to fix the budget (likely around November). All this is happening under a CEQA exemption agreed to in February, which is now gaining the status of precedent. Democrats are routinizing the giving away of the store. At least everyone voted for this – passed 39-0.

…Senate is on break for caucusing ahead of the tough votes. Assembly is passing the bills the Senate just passed.

21 thoughts on “Budget Voting Thread”

  1. Correa voting with Republicans.

    Republican leaders can’t deliver votes.

  2. At what point does the California legislature dominated by left-wing extremists understand the role of government in a two-party system is to compromise and strike a budget?

    Are you suggesting the whole budget process hasn’t been anything but drama concocted by the failed leadership of Speaker Bass and her inability to broker a budget in wake of 10% unemployment and getting higher everyday?

    At what point does liberal drama and whining get cast aside to do the job of any responsible legislator?

    None of these people deserve a paycheck.

    It’s the “blame game” in high drama and it’s the exact reason why no Democrat other than a Brown has made it to the Governor’s mansion.

    This wreckless partisan positioning and posturing seems infinite with no end in sight. The legislature’s low approval ratings don’t seem to matter as Bass looks less effective each and everyday.

    Why don’t we just call the budget for what it is, a jobs program for teachers, prison guards and other public employees who have taken the process hostage as well as the leadership of the Democratic Party.

  3. It is a sad day for me. I feel I’m watching the state where I was born–and lived almost all my life–turn into something I no longer recognize.

    A place of small dreams and no eye to the future.  

    A land where everything is for sale and nothing is sacred.

    A beautiful country of angry, bitter, and disappointed people.

    A society where party promises mean more than an oath of office.

    And a place where fear and lies matter more than facts and hope.

    This land is my land. But I no longer know it.

  4. …and make the Republicans vote first?

    I don’t get why the Republicans get to write the budget from the minority, the majority begs to have it hung around their necks, and then the Terminator kills the state with it.

    My wife’s salary is a line item in one of these f’ing bills….

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