August 5 Open Thread


Field came out with the 2nd half of their poll about demographics. This one was essentially a summary showing that DTS and Dems have gotten substantially more socially progressive, but haven’t changed a lick on Prop 13. John Myers has more.

• LAPD Chief Bratton has announced he is resigning to return to New York to head a private security firm.  Bratton has earned high marks for transforming the public image and output of the LAPD.  He didn’t fix everything, but he took the department a pretty long way from the low point of Rodney King.  It’s definitely a loss for the city.

• Pro-health care reform Blue Dog Mike Thompson (CA-01) got an earful from the teabaggers in his district at a town hall meeting, with the loobyist-activated participants shouting him down to such a degree that the Napa Valley Register blasted the disruptive protesters in an op-ed.  Meanwhile, the D-Trip is targeting several California Republicans for their donations from the health care industry and their role in blocking reform.

Carly Fiorina is making lots of noise in a bid to run for Senate. NRSC Chair John Cornyn was talking her up.

• Arnold Schwarzenegger granted an interview with the New York Times that won’t earn him any friends in the Walt Disney Company, whose parks are populated with morbidly obese people, according to his account.  Once again, the Governor goes above the heads of local media and to the national media who pay little attention to the reality of California.  Maybe because all the local media has him completely skunked out.

• CA-10: John Garamendi, profiled here today at Calitics, surveyed his district, but the poll questions got into the wrong hands.  That’s because one of the survey subjects was Mark DeSaulnier campaign manager Katie Merrill.  Since the poll was not for publication, some pretty revealing questions in there.

• Steve Lopez doesn’t like the idea, but he’ll accept if he has to. So, he says, go ahead and sell naming rights to the state parks. Man, this state is seriously messed up.

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