Who Will Step Up And Sue Over Arnold’s Illegal Vetoes?

After the Legislative Counsel’s Opinion yesterday saying the Governor’s “blue pencil” vetoes of $500 million of spending, there was a loud chorus of “Amen” from the Legislators:

“This clearly reinforces what we believe all along,” said Assemblyman John Pérez (D-Los Angeles), who requested the legislative counsel’s opinion.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles) said it underscored her feeling that Schwarzenegger’s line-item vetoes “are as unconstitutional as they are unconscionable.” (LAT 8/5/09)

Now, the question is who will be the group that steps up and sues to restore funding, and just how soon that case can be filed. There have been whispers of a few groups and non-profits gathering together to file in the beginning of next week. We’ll get back to you when we hear more.

2 thoughts on “Who Will Step Up And Sue Over Arnold’s Illegal Vetoes?”

  1. which is widely regarded as well-run, plenty busy, and in an underserved area – this is a location where ordinary insured people might wait months for a non-urgent doctor visit – which was doing just fine until Arnold slashed its funding with a stroke of his veto pen.

    That’s it. No notice. No chance to protest. The clinic knows it doesn’t have enough operating capital and it will shut its doors.


    The center’s board of directors announced its decision to employees Tuesday. Board President Sue Meek said closure was the center’s only option after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last week cut $546,000 of the center’s funding, more than a third of its almost $1.5 million budget.

    “It’s devastating … I don’t know what the community is going to do,” Meek said.

    Independent reviews of productivity show the center’s providers are “extremely productive,” according to Merwin. She said the center’s practices are exemplary, its staff is well-trained, and employees follow “the kinds of procedures and protocols that you would expect in larger, more sophisticated organizations.”

    The clinic holds status as a Federally Qualified Health Center look-alike, meaning it is held to the same standards qualified centers must meet, but doesn’t receive federal funding. The clinic was established in 1982.

    30 year old infrastructure, gone with the stroke of a pen.

  2. Assemblymember Perez did yesterday. Watch what happens this afternoon on the other side of the Capitol.

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