August 11 Open Thread

Most of the Calitics Crew will be in Pittsburgh for Netroots Nation. If you are going to be there as well, come to some of the California themed sessions on the agenda. And don’t forget to vote for David Dayen for state blogger award. Text “state David Dayen” to 27336. Now, some links.

• Kaiser is laying off 1,200 workers, just another sign of the economic times. Kaiser’s member rolls are actually a pretty good sign of the economy, as people lose their insurance when they are laid off. So, fewer people now have insurance, so there is less need for technicians and the like.  Interestingly, in the national debate, the number of these sorts of workers is a key to ensure access for all Americans.

Another story about the 2010/2012 debate for repealing Prop 8, this time from Dan Walters. It is clearly an outsider’s viewpoint, as Walters doesn’t have the same experience in the issues as say…me.

• BART and their unions came to an agreement last week, but one of the two largest unions rejected it. The BART Board has said they could impose terms, but their is no deadline as of now.

• The LA Firefighters Union is getting very visible about the cuts to their stations.

2 thoughts on “August 11 Open Thread”

  1. about those death panels;

    the truth of it is that Arnold IS going to kill people’s grandma by shutting down home health care.

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