August 21 Open Thread

Some links for the weekend:

• Henry Waxman held a town hall meeting on health care today at UCLA.  There were about 400 supporters of reform and maybe a dozen opponents.  Which is why you’ll never hear a thing about it, or see it on the evening news.  But here’s some documentary evidence.

Arnold is signing car sun visors before the cars go out for auction, apparently in an effort to fetch more money. It’s tough to even comment on this, but perhaps he can sell that big knife too.

• Just in case you wanted 5,000 words or so on why Carly Fiorina is such a farce of a candidate, Media Matters provides.  This is the oppo document to end all oppo documents.

• Sen. Yee’s SB 242,  civil rights bill to allow Californians the right to speak whatever language they prefer in a place of business, was passed with 47 votes in the Assembly. It will now go to the Governor for a questionable future. Yee says the bill comes out of the move by the women’s golf tour (LPGA) to suspend players who do not speak English. There are exceptions when required for the nature of the business, but notice is required.

• Care to find out how the military industrial complex got so big? Well, check this, President Obama and SecDef Gates say they do not need any more C-17 planes from Boeing. Apparently they are good with the ones they have. But, Boeing has its jobby tentacles to practically every state in the country, and the zero order could cost over 30,000 jobs, including 5,000 in Long Beach.  So, our two Senators are going to bat for getting the planes back in the Defense Appropriations Bill, despite the Pentagon not wanting any more.  Really, isn’t there some more efficient method of creating jobs than producing tools of war that the military doesn’t even want?

2 thoughts on “August 21 Open Thread”

  1. I think we put a lot of people to work in the 30s doing all sorts of meaningful things (Hoover Dam, Golden Gate Bridge).  Maybe we can get Boeing to start making us some train cars, kickstart the HSR system with defense expenditures (that the Pentagon doesn’t want anyway).  

  2. It was a climate change forum scheduled a long time ago and hosted by UCLA. Fran Pavley was also on the panel. Many groups sent out announcements alleging it was a climate change AND health care forum…which it was not. I will post more later on this.

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