Unbelievable: Wally Herger praises self-described terrorist

When you read this story, I want you to do something.

I want you to substitute “left-wing” every time you see “right-wing.”  And I want you to substitute “Democrat” when you see the word “Republican.”

I then want you to ask yourself how quickly this story would be up every single right-wing media outlet in existence front and center for the next week until the Congressman in question were forced to issue a tearful apology, and the person who made the remark had a Bill O’Reilly producer permanently camped outside his house while freepers investigated his entire family tree for potential ties to Muslims.

According to the Redding Record Searchlight, an incident broke out at a town hall at Simpson University in Redding on Tuesday when Herger signaled encouragement to a 67-year-old town hall attendee, Bert Stead, who called himself a “proud right-wing terrorist.”

“Amen, God bless you,” Herger reportedly replied to the comment. “There is a great American.”

Attention right-wingers: THE PUBLIC ADVOCACY OF VIOLENCE BY CONSERVATIVE ACTIVISTS MUST END.  We had an election.  You lost it big.  That’s small-d democracy.  And if you are “afraid for your country” and all that other jazz, try winning an election with views and policy prescriptions that are popular with people.  Because otherwise, the country is what the voters make of it within the framework of the Constitution.

I’m sorry you have to wait until 2010.  But anything else would be fundamentally un-American, wouldn’t it?

5 thoughts on “Unbelievable: Wally Herger praises self-described terrorist”

  1. I don’t think it’s a perfect match, but the Republican Party is starting to look more and more like fundimentalist Muslim organizations in the Middle East.  There you will find a great love for religion and guns.  There is a thuggishness and a demand for political purity.  Compromise is considered filth.

    Republicans don’t launch rocket attacks and have no organized militia.  They are a long ways from Hamas or Hezbollah.  But there are some similarities.

  2. Walley Herger is a mormen who does not believe in global warming or science, women’s rights,or helping anyone who is not rich like him. He is one of the riches members of Congress!


    Come on, there are nutballs on both sides. It’s no more legitimate painting the right with this brush than it is when they do it.

    And you might want to change your “you lost it big” rhetoric. The polls aren’t looking too good these days, and healthcare’s the reason.

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