Happy Birthday Keith Olbermann: CDP finds Wally Herger terrorist adulation video

In my previous post about the Wally Herger (R-Redding) incident wherein he praised a self-described “right-wing terrorist” as a “great American”, I lamented that there was no good video to really put the incident in perspective.

Fortunately, the CDP has corrected that: they’ve found the full video.  I got this from the CDP communications team just a little bit ago.  Enjoy.  You know, it’s sad.  Congressman Herger spends the entire time watching the guy rant with a wry smile.  And given the fact that most of the crowd appears to be terrorist sympathizers, there’s nothing he can really do without incurring the wrath of his constituency.  Just watch as Congressman Herger–who no longer deserves that title, if he ever did–chooses demagoguery over loyalty to American values and ideals:


Incidentally–if you’re interested in helping the CDP publicize Wally Herger’s despicable actions to his constituents, just click here.

5 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Keith Olbermann: CDP finds Wally Herger terrorist adulation video”

  1. Just enjoying the off-the-charts level irony of the dude invoking the Pilgrims as examples of people who never had their hand out and survived that Winter completely on their own. Squanto might disagree. But then again, dude was a Socialist.  

  2. Thanks to the CDP for getting the video!

    When I lived in Washington State, I remember talking to people I knew who worked for DSHS, and they used to say that in many Republican parts of the state, those that were the most aggressive in demanding money and more were people in the Republican parts of the state….Randy Tate, who was elected to Congress in 1994, used to mow lawns at his dad’s trailer parks…his dad would raise rents based on Social Security checks COL’s. And welfare recipients in the rural areas HATED Democrats…but you try and cut their welfare check and they FREAKED OUT, claiming it was their “right” to get paid by the state to do nothing. Of course that right didn’t extend to anyone in a metro area.


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