I Support Van Jones

Van Jones is clearly controversial.  His signature on the truther document is rather unfortunate, and a mistake. He has acknowledged that mistake. The Republicans as assholes thing seems pretty petty to me. All in all, Republicans have done a lot worse things, illegal things, and stayed in their jobs. But, IOKIYAR, right?

Van Jones made some remarkable changes here in the Bay Area and across the state. That the White House was not there to support him is beyond unfortunate. It hands a scalp to the nearly mortally wounded Glenn Beck and it empowers the right-wing extremists.

But, Baratunde says it better than me at Jack & Jill Politics:

I’m heartbroken over Van’s departure because it’s these little meaningless concessions that undermine people’s faith in the system. You get folks all riled up about change. You empower a man who embodies that change. And they you let him be run out of office by fucking Glenn Beck? So Glenn Beck is running the White House now? Is that how it’s gonna be? Just tell me that I knocked on all those doors for nothing, and I can start the grieving process, but don’t pretend this will solve anything.

***  ***  ***

How do you expect folks to continue to go to the mat for your agenda, when you so easily sacrifice our best and brightest at the whim of an illegitimate lynch mob? How do you expect the next generation to invest themselves in the political process when they see that despite their good works, they can be taken out over nonsense, especially when the double standard is so abundantly clear? How can you ask from us what you won’t do for us? And when will you realize that you cannot negotiate with terrorists?

You might also be interested in Howard Dean’s take here.  Also, please consider signing Color of Change’s petition to FOXNews asking for the dismissal of Glenn Beck.

8 thoughts on “I Support Van Jones”

  1. There was a time when the Republicans and Democrats had sharp disagreements but could hammer out an agreement that met the legitimate concerns of both sides.  There was a time of civility and manners.  There was a time of thoughtful exchange and honest, though heated, debate.  

    I long for those times, because they don’t exist in 2009.  I don’t see them coming soon.

    We need to confront the lies of the right wing as aggressively and as forcefully as they come at us.  We need to investigate every aspect of the Bush Administration to discover the facts, not the spin, of their governance.  Then we should apply the facts to the law and prosecute where appropriate.  

    I remember very well when Obama was at Netroots Nation in 2007.  He said that we need to be aware of the ‘big lie’ theory–that a lie told often enough sometimes looks like the truth.  He went on to say that it also works with the truth.  If you tell the truth loudly enough, that will also be accepted as truth.

    Well, its time to start telling the truth about the right wing.  The time for playing nice because we want to work with them is OVER.

  2. on PBS American Masters.

    I really don’t see any difference between the firing of Van Jones over an act protected by the First Amendment and the blacklisting of Hollywood writers and directors for asserting that right in front of a contemptible Congressional Committee.

    I don’t believe that Jones was sacrificed to Glenn Dreck as much as he was given up to curry favor with the Blue Dogs.

    All I can say is, President Obama had better deliver on September 9th. If the sacrifice of Jones turns out to have been in vain… I will be joining the “DEAN 2012” movement.

  3.   A gaffe is when you tell the truth and the truth is Republicans are a**holes.  Combine that with the free-playing

    verbal license of the African-American community and you

    have a martyr.  

  4. Anyone who seriously refers to himself as a communist, or thinks the U.S. government may have been intentionally complicit in the 9/11 attacks, has no business in any official position in any administration — Democratic, Republican, or otherwise.

    And anyone who thinks it would be politically viable for a president of any party to keep such a person on the payroll must be in a deep cocoon of unreality.  

    Of course Van Jones has the right to freedom of speech.  But there is no right to hold high government office.  

  5. Here’s my theory:  The Repubs/Corporations are gearing up to fight any environmental/climate legislation that will threaten the carbon-fuel/auto/agri-business, etc.  They always have something to throw out at the opportune time to remove a key enemy.  Witness Elliot Spitzer’s out when he was about to come down on some big Wall Street thief.  Witness Howard Deans “I have a scream” undoing – all media hype.  Witness John Edwards demise when, I suspect, Obama was considering him for some key position. They all know each other’s dirty little secrets and use them as a trump card to get rid of those who will stand in their way.  So too, with Van, truly a great man, inspiring leader and spokesman for a Good Jobs/Green Jobs economy.  What a crock – if that’s all they have on him and Obama would capitulate so easily, I just wonder what they have on Obama?  All this furor, news hype additionally serves to deflect the American people from what is really going on.  “Pay no attention to the man behind the green curtain.”

  6. If I ever run for office, you can quote me on this–GLEN BECK IS A DERANGED ASSHOLE. Just because he has a TV show does not make this untrue. He is serving a corporate agenda that has nothing to do with the well-being of the bulk of Americans. Rather, he has done our country a grave disservice.

    We have a serving member of Congress who describes himself as a socialist. He has for years. Yet he continues to get re-elected. There is nothing wrong with that. Or with saying you believe in communist ideology. In this country, we are free to do and say those things.

    I believe a lot of things other people disagree with. I think Michele Bachman and Sarah Palin are bat-shit insane. I believe Michael Steele is an idiot. I think the Duggers are nuts to have 20 children, that the Quiverfull people are working to destroy our planet, and that Focus on the Family is an instrument of the devil. The Sudanese dress laws for women are stupid. And everybody should stop getting their panties in a twist over what any president says to schoolchildren who probably think he’s just another dumb old guy.

    This is part of what we mean by freedom. The freedom to disagree.

    Unfortunately, right-wing media has gained the power to make their opinions more important than anybody’s. To me, that has the potential to destroy the freedom they claim to protect.

  7. My biggest concern about situations like this is the chilling effect that being forced out has on the government’s ability to attract bright, successful people.  

    Imagine quitting your job, relocating several thousand miles, and suddenly you are in the crosshairs and you have to take one for the team.  

    Now think about how hard it will be to persuade people who may have said or done something controversial to the political opposition to join the administration.

    This administration has attracted outstanding people, many of whom normally wouldn’t be interested in such service but for the desire to be part of this new change movement.  I wonder how many of them woke up on Sunday and worried that it could be them next.

  8. Through out this thread, there is a sense that many believe that the media control the message. Maybe.  But maybe not for the reasons that everyone believes.  The “Yacht Party” complains about the liberal media, the Democrats complain about the “right wing media” and Greens complain about no media.  

    Maybe Van Jones could join the Greens and drop out of the spotlight for a while.  

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