Open Thread September 14

Sorry so late.  Here’s some other stuff we missed:

• The state’s going back to the bond market looking for $8.8 billion in revenue anticipation note money, which they fully expect to get.  Of course, the horrible credit ratings as a result of the budget crisis have not turned around, so the interest rates will be plenty higher than necessary, despite the fact that the state is in no threat of default on any loan and never was.  The Wall Street scam to gouge California continues unabated, and everyone who had a chance to stop it dropped the ball.

• Really horrible story about cuts to senior programs in Stanislaus County, as a result of the state wiping out dozens of senior programs in the big budget purge.  As said before, remember these moments.

• The DC media has decided that Brian Bilbray is a moderate.  This is true, based on the Village mindset that real Murca is a bunch of center-right deficit-hating warmongers who hate the hippies, in which case Bilbray fits right in.