September 21 Open Thread

Happy Fall!  Some news from around the state:

• Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is protesting Anthem Blue Cross tomorrow in SF.  If you work downtown, come to the Embarcadero Center for lunch and join the protest for a better health care future. The San Francisco protest is one of six actions statewide as part of the nationwide “Big Insurance: Sick of It” day of action. Doctors and health care providers will join people who have been denied care or dropped by Anthem Blue Cross and other major insurance providers, and a representative speaking on behalf of Healthy San Francisco as a working model for health reform.

Here is the information for the rallies in Los Angeles and San Francisco. There is an event in Orange County as well. I believe there are others, but couldn’t readily find details. If you have them, put them in the comments and we’ll move links into the body of this post ASAP.

• Some folks from Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles produced a web video in support of health care.

• Some Gavin Newsom News.  First, congratulations on the birth of Montana Tessa Newsom, but just because they had a baby, that doesn’t mean there’s time to quit tweeting.  He’s having a “Twitter Talk” tomorrow at 12:45. Just watch @gavinnewsom.  And on Wednesday evening, they’ll be U-Streaming a town hall.  No rest in the Newsom house, Montana better start carrying her own weight, pronto!

• Steve Lopez has an interesting column on Steve Spencer, a Reagan advisor for his campaigns for Governor and President.  Mr. Spencer is apparently  something of a centrist, and would like to do all the typical moderate stuff…like redistricting and the like.  I (Brian) appreciate his desire to see a better tone in politics, however, the redistricting canard still ignores the self-sorting that has gone on for over 40 years. Redistricting simply isn’t that great of a solution as the moderates would like it to be.

• As the fight over a massive Indian casino along the San Francisco Bay in Richmond rages on, the Wall Street Journal reports that the Obama administration might make it easier to build these casinos away from traditional reservations.

• The Capay Valley, which includes the big Cache Creek Casino, is working towards becoming a net energy exporter. There is still a long way to go, but if we really want to fight climate change and adjust to a decreasing supply of fossil fuels, this type of project needs to be a model.