September 28 Open Thread


• Former Assemblyman (and all-around good guy) John Laird writes a blog of sorts for the SF Chronicle.  His latest installment takes issues with eMeg’s position on blocking implementation of AB 32.  You can grab his RSS feed here, you should definitely make it one of your RSS faves.

• Cutbacks at California parks may not lead to closures, but certainly reduced hours, as part of a decade-long trend.  And the biggest by-product of this has been skyrocketing crime at parks across the state, from theft to vandalism.  And with fewer rangers and more cutbacks, that’s certainly set to increase.

• Former Congressman John Doolittle has been named as a co-conspirator in a corruption case against one of his former staffers.  The complaint reads like a Who’s Who of corrupt Republicans in Washington.

• CalPERS is having another election, and SEIU is getting good at backing winners. The election is largely based in the labor movement, not surprising considering that most of the voters are union members or retirees.

• Sen. Rod Wright (D-Inglewood?) has been caught up in a controversy surrounding his residency. Under California law, the legislator is required to live in the district at the election, but is not required to stay there. It’s not clear if he is living in the district now, but the relevant question for the law is his election-time residency status.

• Lots of stories on the GOP semi-annual convention in Indian Wells. Fun!

3 thoughts on “September 28 Open Thread”

  1. …Pulaski’s and drip irrigation tubing into their four-wheel drives as the great ‘Green Rush of 2009’ gets off to tremendous start. Hundreds of acres will be under cultivation and….


    All of it tax free.

  2. is that it seems camping fees for most parks (at least the ones I’ve encountered at Lake Tahoe and on the north coast) have been raised from $20 to $35.  Day use is up to $8 or $10.  Lower- and middle-class families are being priced out of the parks.  The only people in the parks will be the super-rich and those sneaking in to steal and vandalize.

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