September 30 Open Thread

If you wanted to be woken up when September ends, here’s your cue.  To the links!

• Dave provided the link in his previous post, but if you were interested in listening to John Garamendi, George Lakoff, and David Atkins talk about the Majority Rule project for a full hour on Angie Coiro’s show on Green960, here’s the podcast.

• The CDP is asking its supporters to sign a petition urging our legislators not to adopt the ruinous recommendations of the Parsky Commission.  Cal Labor Fed chief Art Pulaski and CA Tax Reform Association ED Lenny Goldberg gave the Parsky Commission a failing grade as well.

• In a major settlement, PacifiCorp in Portland will decommission four hydroelectric dams which have blocked salmon migrations on the Klamath River.  It won’t begin until 2020, but if successful it would reverse one of the worst abuses of the Cheney Administration.

• Very interesting piece in the New York Times about workplace enforcement crackdowns on undocumented workers, in particular the firing of almost 1/4 of the workforce at American Apparel in Los Angeles.  It’s certainly more humane that workplace raids, but some community leaders, like Mayor Villaraigosa, still don’t seem to like it – he wants the Administration to focus on workers “exploiting” immigrants (which would still lead to them losing their jobs, no?).  We need a comprehensive solution, in the final analysis.

• Polling numbers in Maine regarding Question 1 are looking…well, decent.  50% no, 41% yes, with 9% undecided.

This is just part of why Republicans just can’t seem to win over Hispanics.  I’ll start liberating my news releases any day now.