October 1 Open Thread

Welcome to October, but don’t expect the open thread to do any changin’ just because the calendar rolled over. To the links!

• Assembly Member Anna Caballero officially launched her campaign for Jeff Denham’s senate seat. Now, if we could only nab another Senate seat…

• While Carly Fiorina is supposed to be the high-spending candidate it is Chuck DeVore that’s been the one spending money so far in the Republican Senate primary. Meanwhile, DeVore accused Fiorina of selling nuclear parts to Iran. Ummm…just, wow.

• The DreamWorks crew (Geffen, Katzenberg and Spielberg) are all endorsing Jerry Brown for Governor and throwing him a fundraiser. Joe Garofoli thinks it may have something to do with a feud between Bill Clinton, who endorsed Newsom, and the David Geffen.

Meg Whitman seemingly can’t dig herself out of this whole not voting for twenty years thing.  She essentially accused the Bee of making up the quote where she tells the Bee to “go find” her voting registration information.  To whit, the Bee editorial board said, we have the tape.  The whole thins is really quite shocking. I mean why would voters want a governor who thought governance was important enough to fill out a ballot for five minutes?

• Lots of rich Californians.

• John Boehner disses the public option by calling it “unpopular as a garlic milkshake.” That didn’t sit too well with Brian Bowe, executive director of the Gilroy Garlic Festival:

“I would invite him to our festival and would urge him to try the garlic ice cream,” Bowe, er, sniffed. “It’s the longest line of people at the festival every year. Everyone loves it.”

Bowe squashed Boehner’s doubts about garlic’s attributes as defly as a chef removing the skin from a clove. “That’s off base,” he told me. “Garlic is one of the healthiest herbs out there. It does wonders for the body and that’s proven. Whether it’s in a milk shake or not, you can’t go wrong with garlic.”

I [Robert] can attest to the utter deliciousness of Gilroy garlic ice cream. And apparently all America can attest to the idiocy that is John Boehner.

7 thoughts on “October 1 Open Thread”

  1. the reason Whitman doesn’t give a whit man about voting is that she never realized that is what determines how our government works… as a corporate CEO she, along with so many of her cohort believe government does what corporate lobbyists pays government do to…

    I guess given how the ongoing insurance reform battle is going she may well be right as so many alleged Democrats in the House and Senate give new credibility to the old saying that there is no better Republican than a Democrat in office…Max Baucus shame on you…

  2. will come campaign here in Merced in the coming weeks. I would like to hear more in depth of where she stands on the issues. So far I like her.

  3. so i suppose they’ve gotten assurance from jerry brown that their giant scrooge mcduck-sized swimming pools of money won’t be taxed.

    (this should not be read as some stealth praise of newsom. i just refuse to forget those turncoats’ role in helping to stick us with 4 more years of schwarzeneggar budgets)

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