Ooh, the Prop 8 people are very witty!
In court papers filed late Friday, Proposition 8 backers argue that allowing Brown to remain as a named defendant in the case “unfairly advances” the challenge to the gay-marriage ban because, like the plaintiffs, the attorney general maintains California’s law against same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.
“As matters now stand, plaintiffs have a party on the other side of this dispute who shares their ultimate goal of invalidating Proposition 8,” Proposition 8 lawyers wrote in court documents. “Plaintiffs might well turn the old adage on its head and ask: With enemies such as these, who needs friends?” (MediaNews 10/06/09)
Ooh, that’s funny, enemies like these. I think they’re ready to get into the Shakespearean game. At any rate, the case is now heading for a summary judgment hearing, which is scheduled for next week.
Meanwhile, the fight in Maine is still going strong. Paul Hogarth gives us an update today. If you’d like to help the campaign, you can sign up to do some virtual phonebanking or you can give them some money at the Calitics ActBlue page.