October 27 Open Thread


• The Bay Bridge is closed, after a rod snapped.

• Not that it really matters all that much, but Dem candidates have more twitter followers in the governor’s race.

• Danny Gilmore may be ditching the Assembly after one term. His friend Pete Parra, father of former Assembly member Nicole, is running for the 30th district seat.

Fabian Nunez was cleared of wrongdoing in the campaign finance issues last year.

3 thoughts on “October 27 Open Thread”


       They are at it again! The feud between the Parra and Florez families continues. I clicked on the link for the story and found it interesting for a few reasons. It is highly unusual for an Assemblymember to voluntarily leave the Legislature except to run for higher office. The six year term limit is so short that it seems almost insane to do it after all the effort to get elected in the first place.

       Also, if Gilmore and the Parras love each other so much then why did Gilmore run against Nicole Parra (and just barely lose) in 2006. I know that she endorsed him in the 2008 open seat race, pissing off partisan Democrats, but it all seems more than a bit fishy.

       Another oddity is that here is a case of political succession that seems backward; rather than the kids trying to succeed their parents it is the parents who are trying to take over the office that their offspring previously held.

        Are there any substantive policy differences between the Florezes and Parras?  I don’t live in that part of the state so I haven’t followed it that closely. I assume that they are all typical Central Valley AgDems but should I care who wins the primary?  If Gilmore doesn’t run will it be an easy pickup for whichever Democrat wins the primary or will there be a strong GOP challenger?

        It would be great to learn more from someone who knows the area.  Thank you to any Bakersfield Caliticians for more info!


  2. Gavin Newsom telling the board of sups that he will continue to turn over undocumented immigrant kids to ICE for deportation upon arrest rather than conviction, as the sups’ new law says?

    Kinda sounds like the governor we already have, doesn’t it?


    None of this needs to happen. Newsom could have worked with Campos on the legislation. Instead, the mayor continues to defy the board and act like the sort of imperial executive who is utterly unqualified for any higher office.

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