SF Election Recap

Not really that much of interest here in SF. I want to officially congratulate Jose Cisneros and Dennis Herrera, both of whom were unopposed, mostly because they were both doing a really good job.

On the propositions, well, I went 5 for 5 from my recommendations a while back. Props A, B, C, & E passed, while Prop D went down despite some big money behind it.  For more details, check back to  my recommendations.

One general theme that can be taken is that San Franciscans really don’t like ads. Prop E pretty much bans any new ad contracts while allowing old ones to be renewed and Prop D would have created a “sign district” on Central Market Street amongst the SROs, smoke shops, and porn theaters.  On the flip side, Prop C allows the City to rename Candlestick again. Perhaps people feel the same way I do, it’s been renamed so many times already, who cares what it is called tomorrow?

On general reform, Prop A moves SF to two-year budget cycles, a generally good thing. Prop B removes a ridiculous rule that required Supervisors to have 2 aides, no more, no less. It doesn’t affect the budget, just takes out this arbitrary number. Good on SF for seeing through some of the anti-government BS.

2 thoughts on “SF Election Recap”

  1. E ensures Muni will continue to die. It will kill the bus shelter contract and kills the proposed bike share program.  

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