3 California Democrats Vote To Go Anti-Choice from the Public Option

Depressingly ironic, that choice is no longer part of the public option. The Stupak amendment, which bans the public option from covering any elective abortions, passed by a fairly wide margin in the House today.

Of note to us here at Calitics is that, along with the entire California Republican delegation, three California Democrats voted in favor of the Amendment. The names will hardly surprise anybody: Jim Costa, Dennis Cardoza, and Joe Baca. Our three biggest conservaDems strike again.

You can see the full vote total here.

UPDATE by Robert: All CA Dems voted for the final bill, including Baca, Cardoza, and Costa.

9 thoughts on “3 California Democrats Vote To Go Anti-Choice from the Public Option”

  1. The three of them had been doing a lot of hemming and hawing about whether they were going to vote for the health care plan.

    39 Democrats did vote Nay though….annoying.

  2. From the disgusting Republicans who wouldn’t let the women debate by objecting as soon as they said a single word (this includes the soon-to-be former Congressman David Dreier) to this cruel vote on funding abortions–its been a terrible day for women.

    But we got something. The House voted on a health care reform bill.  It sure ain’t perfect, but its something.  

  3. how about we put in an amendment blocking any Federal funding of Viagra and ED drugs.

    that should cut down on the need for abortions.

    Wonder how Stupak and his C-Street brothers will feel about that

  4. I can just hear all these people in 10 years complaining that we don’t have the resources to deal with all the poor children and teen moms

    should be interesting to see the numbers rise

  5. that one of the main goals of stupak’s amendment was to dishearten progressives on the eve of a victory, in the same way that prop 8 did. pair a win with a loss, and lets the wind out of people’s sails and sets them against one another.  

  6. voted for the Stupak amendment. I thought the government wasn’t supposed to interfere between you and your doctor. If there is a primary challenge I might consider voting against Cardoza.

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