November 16 Open Thread

Congratulations to Laurence Zakson and Becca Doten on their DNC wins over the weekend. Now, to the links:

A What to Do and What Not to Do for medical marijuana dispensary policy. [West Hollywood has built a sustainable and uncontroversial program, while Los Angeles is still struggling to come up with anything resembling a working policy.

• John Wildermuth politely asks Dianne Feinstein to share her plan for the state budget, at least as long as she is going to toy with the idea of running for governor.

Jerry Brown is having a huge fundraiser in Hollywood for his campaign for governor.  A note here on “exploratory campaigns” and state finance rules.  Specifically, at the state level there isn’t such a thing. His campaign account says that he’s running for governor. Might as well just announce it. Meanwhile on his facebook page, he says he will announce something next year.

• Arnold is stopping in Milan to talk about climate change on his way home from his Middle East trip. What a jet-setter, that Arnold.

• This just in–or maybe not: Chuck Devore is a birther.  Not that Devore has a choice–he needs the teabagger fringe if he’s going to beat Fiorina.  UPDATE: follow through for recently released statements from Devore dissociating himself from the birther movement.  Both ends, meet middle.  All three, meet Chuck Devore.

• Los Angeles City Councilwoman and candidate for Lieutenant Governor Janice Hahn launched her website today.  If you’re interested in learning more about Janice Hahn, check out the Calitics interview.