Poizner Opposes the Survival of the Delta Smelt

I’m not sure how else you can take this latest web video from the Poizner campaign.

In the video, a mechanical fish sings “I will survive” with some narration about Meg Whitman’s foundation, which gave almost all of its donations to environmental causes. In most sane groups, that would be a good thing, but in the Republican Party? Of course not.

The whole video is beyond troubling. It explicitly advocates for the extinction of a species. No mitigating factors, no explanation that there even the most pro-farmer scientists and water experts believe there can be ways around killing the smelt. Heck, the farmers themselves want to build a peripheral canal, which would be at least somewhat better than just running the pumps 24/7.

And of course, no consideration of the fishermen who make their living based on the water that the farmers are trying to use to grow cotton where it just shouldn’t be grown. No mention of the fact that some of the cheap water is being sold to residential water districts by farmers at a premium, and the farmers then leave their fields to lie fallow.

No, this is simply about a bloodthirsty attempt to eliminate a species because it is politically expedient.  I wonder if the residents of Rapa Nui (aka Easter Island) made videos about wanting to cut down the last of the trees on the island in the name of progress.

At any rate, Meg Whitman Secretly Agrees with Us! W00t!

3 thoughts on “Poizner Opposes the Survival of the Delta Smelt”

  1. Maybe we need an initiative where we can choose between innocent endangered species and Republican political operatives, with the loser being exterminated to the last individual.

  2. Seeing that Republicans are themselves an endangered species, you’d think they’d be a bit more compassionate toward other dwindling species.  And the smelt is a whole lot cuter than most Republicans too.

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